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Counselors in Granite Falls, MN

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7 results found

Kris Wicklund Granite Falls, MN

Professions & Specialties

CounselorAdvisorTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsNon-ProfitDirectorOperations ManagerMaster of ScienceBachelor of SciencePsychologistFamily PractitionerGeneral PractitionerHealth Services AdministratorMedical Services ManagerHealth Services ManagerPsychology SpecialistPhysician

Experience & Education


Brentwood home (irts)
Treatment director
Project turnabout addiction recovery center
Chemical dependency outpatient counselor and (internship)

Al Wacha Montevideo, MN

Professions & Specialties

CounselorAdvisorOwnerChief ExecutiveEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonInstructorPedagogue

Experience & Education

Owner/Operator at Custom Auto Renovation Specialists
Owner, Custom Auto Renovation Specialists
Montevideo, Minnesota
Work history:
Custom Auto Renovation Specialists - Montevideo, MNOwner/Operatorsince Jul 2008Minnesota West Community & Technical College - Granite Falls, MNAuto Body & Restoration InstructorAug 1991 - May 2012
Plan & Deliver Lectures, Work with students in lab, Authored Curriculum, Motivational, Assess... an area Auto Repair and Restoration Consultant

Ron Gustafson Minneapolis, MN

Professions & Specialties

CounselorConstructionArea ManagerManagersAdvisorTeam MemberTerritory Sales ManagerRegion ManagerEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonSales RepresentativeSenior Customer Service RepresentativeClient Service OfficerCustomer Service

Experience & Education

Central US Territory Sales Manager at RAM Ind. Inc., Technical systems and training consultant at...
Central US Territory Sales Manager at RAM Ind. Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Work history:
RAM Ind. Inc. - 33 York RD E. Yorkton, SK S3N 3Z4 CanadaCentral US Territory Sales Managersince Apr 2013RLG Consulting - Mpls, MNTechnical systems and training consultantsince Jul 2012

Eric Patnoe Minneapolis, MN

Professions & Specialties

VisionaryEntrepreneurSupervisorPlannerManagersAdvisorAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Visionary, Internet Marketing, Entrepreneur
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
UPS - Granite Falls, MNPreload SupervisorJun 2012 - Nov 2012Norwood Promotional Products Graphics SupervisorSep 2000 - Jul 2007
Work-Flow Consultant at Norwood Promotional Products

Seth Elsen Seattle, WA

Professions & Specialties

Supporting MemberTeam MemberCampaign ManagerOutreach CoordinatorOrganization ManagementNon-ProfitAdvisorManagersResearcherSurvey ResearcherPolitical ConsultantPolitical ScientistFarmerFarmworkerDeanHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerBachelor of ArtsHigh School DiplomaGovernment Administration ProfessionalOwnerChief ExecutiveCommunity Service ManagerOperations ManagerStudent WorkerSocial Workers

Experience & Education

Renewable Energy Researcher at Prairie's Edge Resort and Casino, Conservation Associate at Salmon...
Renewable Energy Researcher at Prairie's Edge Resort and Casino
Greater Seattle Area
Public Policy
Work history:
Prairie's Edge Resort and Casino Renewable Energy Researchersince Mar 2013Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Society - Tenino, WAConservation Associatesince Aug 2012
Non-profits, Community Outreach, Volunteer Management, Grant Writing, Policy, Community...

Jon Price Watford Cty, ND

Professions & Specialties

CounselorAdvisorManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Jackson safety professionals - Watford City, ND
Safety consultant/manager
Basin electric power company - Wheatland, WY

Monica Peterson Edina, MN

Professions & Specialties

Social WorkerAdvisorSports TrainerSports TrainersManagerOperations ManagerSocial WorkersPsychology SpecialistMaster of ArtsPhysical Therapy Specialist

Experience & Education


Cigna behavioral health - Eden Prairie, MN
Behavioral health wellness coach
Cigna behavioral health - Eden Prairie, MN
Behavioral health care manager


Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) Effective October, 2007

Counselors near Granite Falls, MN01530456075MarshallWillmarMorrisSpicerMontevideoSlaytonNew LondonTracyBensonOlivia

Counselors around Granite Falls, MN

Alberta  (1)
Appleton  (1)
Atwater  (2)
Avoca  (1)
Balaton  (3)
Belgrade  (4)
Belview  (1)
Benson  (5)
Bird Island  (3)
Brooten  (4)
Canby  (3)
Clara City  (3)
Cosmos  (1)
Cottonwood  (2)
Danvers  (1)
Dawson  (2)
Farwell  (2)
Franklin  (1)
Fulda  (3)
Ghent  (2)
Grove City  (4)
Hancock  (2)
Hector  (2)
Holloway  (1)
Jeffers  (1)
Kerkhoven  (3)
Lake Benton  (3)
Lamberton  (1)
Lowry  (1)
Lucan  (2)
Lynd  (1)
Marshall  (72)
Milan  (2)
Montevideo  (12)
Morris  (23)
Morton  (4)
New London  (6)
Olivia  (5)
Porter  (1)
Prinsburg  (1)
Raymond  (1)
Renville  (1)
Russell  (1)
Sacred Heart  (1)
Slayton  (8)
Spicer  (12)
Springfield  (2)
Starbuck  (1)
Storden  (1)
Tracy  (5)
Wabasso  (1)
Walnut Grove  (1)
Willmar  (61)
Windom  (4)
Wood Lake  (2)

Counselors in Minnesota