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Printing Supervisors in Laceys Spring, AL

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7 results found

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5684285  Nov 4, 1997

Filed: Jun 6, 1995

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
8/468432 SCI Systems, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: G06K 708U.S. Classification: 235449
Airline ticket printer with ticket pre-staging and recirculation
An airline ticket printer includes a magnetic reading and writing station that has a read/write...

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5692845  Dec 2, 1997

Filed: Jun 6, 1995

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Michael Missios (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
8/467701 SCI Systems, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: B41J 2902U.S. Classification: 400692
Airline ticket printer with offset drive means
An airline ticket printer includes a magnetic reading and writing station that has a read/write...

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5664073  Sep 2, 1997

Filed: Jun 6, 1995

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Michael Missios (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
8/470919 SCI Systems Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: G06F 1300U.S. Classification: 395112
Control system for transportation ticket printer having plurality of dual process personal...
An airline ticket printer includes a magnetic reading and writing station that has a read/write...

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5599117  Feb 4, 1997

Filed: Apr 29, 1994

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Michael Missios (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
8/235497 Sci Systems, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: B41J 1150, B65H 344U.S. Classification: 400605
Airline ticket printer with ticket prestaging
An airline ticket printer includes a magnetic reading and writing station that has a read/write...

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5309176  May 3, 1994

Filed: Aug 25, 1992

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Michael Missios (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
7/934361 SCI Systems, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: G01D 1510U.S. Classification: 346 76PH
Airline ticket printer with stepper motor for selectively engaging print head and platen
An airline ticket printer includes a thermal printer engine with a platen and a print head. A gap...

Laird Campbell Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint WorkerRecord ClerkTitle Examiner

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5818022  Oct 6, 1998

Filed: Jun 6, 1995

Steven M. Faes (New Market, AL)
Alfred L. Fulton (Huntsville, AL)
Martin J. Hnetynka (Huntsville, AL)
Laird Campbell (Laceys Spring, AL)
David Preston (Huntsville, AL)
Michael Missios (Huntsville, AL)
Scott D. Sampson (Huntsville, AL)
8/468842 SCI Systems, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
International Classification: G07B 1502, G06F 1700U.S. Classification: 235384
Printer with offset magnetic recorder drive means
An airline ticket printer includes a magnetic reading and writing station that has a read/write...

Angela Grady Laceys Spring, AL

Professions & Specialties

Printing SupervisorPrint WorkerCaregiverNursing Assistant

Experience & Education


Patients home - Laceys Spring, AL
Amdek - Somerville, AL
Pad printer

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Printing Supervisors in Alabama