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Telephone Operators in Waukegan, IL

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5 results found

Alexandria Queen Waukegan, IL

Professions & Specialties

Telephone OperatorCommunications Equipment Operator

Experience & Education


Andrew staffings - Waukegan, IL
Phone operator

Charlene Chavez Waukegan, IL

Professions & Specialties

Telephone OperatorReceptionistFront Desk ClerkCommunications Equipment OperatorFront Office ReceptionistManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


American association for accreditation of ambulatory surgical facilities
Manager of surgical accreditation
Lake county courthouse - Waukegan, IL
Senior telephone operator/receptionist

Jackie Paulson Waukegan, IL

Professions & Specialties

Security OfficerSecurityCommunications Equipment OperatorManagersParalegalLitigation Support SpecialistLegal SecretaryAdministrative Court JusticeAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselLawyersSecretary

Experience & Education


Intern for attorney at law (private) - Waukegan, IL
Attorney harold m. saalfeld
Andy frain security agency - Waukegan, IL
Security officer


Research, Office management, phone operator, People oriented, influence and persuade others,...

Kristine Chapman Chicago, IL

Professions & Specialties

ApprenticeTelephone OperatorVolunteerOrganization ManagementCommunications Equipment OperatorNon-ProfitPsychologistTax PreparerTax AccountantMaster of Social WorkHospital Care ProfessionalStudent WorkerPsychology SpecialistHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Intake Specialist at Prairie State Legal Services Inc., State of Illinois' HIV/AIDS and STD Hotline ...
Social Work
Greater Chicago Area
Civic & Social Organization
Work history:
Prairie State Legal Services Inc. - Waukegan, ILIntake Specialistsince Oct 2012Center on Halsted - Chicago, ILState of Illinois' HIV/AIDS and STD Hotline Administratorsince Jun 2012
Crisis Phone Operator at Miwaukee Women's Center

Treasure Tomal Hoffman Estates, IL

Professions & Specialties

Telephone OperatorCommunications Equipment OperatorPhlebotomistCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerGraphic DesignerLayout ArtistLoan ProcessorLoan OfficerLoan OfficersGeneral Education

Experience & Education


Centegra hospital - McHenry, IL
Patient care tech
Advocate good shepherd hospital - Barrington, IL
Patient care tech/ phlebotomist


graphic design, marketing, healthcare, social media, windows, mac, word, excel, computer saavy,...

Telephone Operators near Waukegan, IL053106159212265ChicagoEvanstonGurneeMount ProspectSkokieDes PlainesMorton GroveKenoshaGlenviewPalatine

Telephone Operators around Waukegan, IL

Chicago  (265)
Des Plaines  (2)
Evanston  (7)
Glenview  (2)
Gurnee  (5)
Highwood  (1)
Kenosha  (2)
Morton Grove  (2)
Niles  (1)
Palatine  (2)
Racine  (1)
Skokie  (4)
Wheeling  (1)
Wilmette  (1)

Telephone Operators in Illinois