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Accounts Payables Coordinators in Kokomo, IN

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1 result found

Pam Anderson Kokomo, IN

Professions & Specialties

Cost AccountantAccounts PayableAccounts Payable SpecialistAccounts ReceivableAccounting AnalystFinancial AnalystAccounts Payable ManagerSystems ManagerComputer Systems AdministratorAnalystAnalystsAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistTeam MemberBachelor of ScienceDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education

Cost Accountant at Ogre Holdings
Kokomo, Indiana Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
Ogre Holdings Cost Accountantsince Aug 2010Pioneer Hibred International Inc Promotion& Support Resources Admin AsstApr 2009 - Aug 2010
Accounts Payable Coordinator at Newcourt Financial..

Accounts Payables Coordinators near Kokomo, IN0918273645IndianapolisNoblesvilleAndersonWabashCarmelDelphi

Accounts Payables Coordinators around Kokomo, IN

Anderson  (2)
Carmel  (1)
Delphi  (1)
Indianapolis  (42)
Noblesville  (3)
Wabash  (2)

Accounts Payables Coordinators in Indiana


Accounts Payables Coordinator  (1)