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Inventory Control Coordinators in Newport, NC

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1 result found

Vina Vesco Newport, NC

Professions & Specialties

Inventory Control CoordinatorInventory CoordinatorLogisticianEngineering TechnicianTechnical WriterTechniciansTechnical CommunicatorAuthorTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsManagersGeneral Education

Experience & Education


Corning inc. multi-mode core technologies
Senior electronics / engineering technician / technical writer
Caretaker of terminally ill parent - Newport, NC


Troubleshooting to component level, Soldering, Documentation creation. Ability to closely follow...

Inventory Control Coordinators near Newport, NC0246GreenvilleJacksonvilleWashingtonKinstonNew BernWallaceHavelock

Inventory Control Coordinators around Newport, NC

Greenville  (6)
Havelock  (1)
Jacksonville  (4)
Kinston  (2)
New Bern  (2)
Wallace  (1)
Washington  (3)

Inventory Control Coordinators in North Carolina
