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Posting Clerks in Beebe, AR

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2 results found

Jordan Kelly Beebe, AR

Professions & Specialties

Posting ClerkBillerTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsPatient Account Representative

Experience & Education


Arkansas children's hospital
Anesthesia technician
White county medical center - Searcy, AR
Patient account representative/ health unit cordinator

Nilsa Sanchez Searcy, AR

Professions & Specialties

Computer ProgrammerProgrammerSupporting MemberOffice AssistantTeam MemberOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistMedical Record TranscriberMedical TranscriptionistClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare Support

Experience & Education


Relocated to puerto rico
Certified medical coder associate, medical records
Central arkansas hospital - urology clinic - Searcy, AR
Office manager

Posting Clerks near Beebe, AR0306090120150Little RockNorth Little RockConwayJacksonvilleCabotSearcyViloniaAustinHensleyDes Arc

Posting Clerks around Beebe, AR

Austin  (2)
Bald Knob  (1)
Cabot  (16)
Carlisle  (1)
Conway  (30)
Des Arc  (2)
Hensley  (2)
Jacksonville  (17)
Keo  (1)
Little Rock  (149)
Searcy  (9)
Vilonia  (3)

Posting Clerks in Arkansas