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3D Animators in Cadmus, MI

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1 result found

Eric Smethurst Detroit, MI

Professions & Specialties

AnimatorEntertainerCAD DesignerDrafterDesignerMechanical EngineerMechanical Engineering ProfessionalMechanical EngineeringComputer Games ProfessionalComputer SpecialistClerkClerical SpecialistGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsAdvisorAutomotive SpecialistAutomotive Professional

Experience & Education

Mechanical Engineer at Intrepid Control Systems
CAD/Drafter Designer at Intrepid Control Systems, INC.
Greater Detroit Area
Computer Games
Work history:
Intrepid Control Systems - Madison Heights, MIMechanical Engineersince May 2011Country Market - Adrian, MiMeat Department ClerkOct 2006 - Dec 2011
3D Studio Max, Solidworks, Maya, Photoshop, Flash, Unity3D, Unreal Editor, Torque Game Engine, 3D,...
3D Modeling

3D Animators near Cadmus, MI0918273645Ann ArborToledoYpsilantiPerrysburgJacksonMaumeeDeltaHollandSalineSylvania

3D Animators around Cadmus, MI

Ann Arbor  (43)
Delta  (1)
Holland  (1)
Jackson  (2)
Maumee  (2)
Perrysburg  (3)
Saline  (1)
Sylvania  (1)
Toledo  (34)
Waterville  (1)
West Unity  (1)
Ypsilanti  (7)

3D Animators in Michigan