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Choreographers in Kershaw, SC

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1 result found

Lauren Mullis Atlanta, GA

Professions & Specialties

ModelChoreographChoreographerEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorApprenticeBachelor of ArtsAssociate of ScienceStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Model at Stoneybrook Productions
Dance Educator
Greater Atlanta Area
Performing Arts
Work history:
Stoneybrook Productions - Greater Atlanta AreaModelsince Aug 2012360 Events and Promotions Model2012 - 2013
K-12 Dance Educator, Tennessee Board of Education
K-12 Dance Educator, South Carolina Board of Education

Choreographers near Kershaw, SC01632486480CharlotteColumbiaRock HillMatthewsMonroeHartsvilleMidlandWaxhawSumter

Choreographers around Kershaw, SC

Charlotte  (80)
Columbia  (18)
Hartsville  (2)
Matthews  (2)
Midland  (1)
Monroe  (2)
Rock Hill  (5)
Sumter  (1)
Waxhaw  (1)

Choreographers in South Carolina