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65 results found

James Estrada San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6646763  Nov 11, 2003

Filed: Nov 12, 1999

James J. Estrada (San Jose, CA)
09/439643 Adobe Systems Incorporated (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: G06K 1500U.S. Classification: 358 19, 358 16
Spectral color matching to a device-independent color value
Methods, systems, and apparatus for mapping a nonspectral representation of a target color, such as ...
What is claimed is: 1. A method for color matching, comprising: receiving a target color value, the ...

Peter Tseng San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8500297  Aug 6, 2013

Filed: Jan 17, 2013

Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (San Jose, CA)
13/744274 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 9/00U.S. Classification: 362231, 362294, 362373, 362800, 362 84, 362 11, 257 89, 257 79, 257 80, 257 81, 25022711
Light emitting diode module with three part color matching
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one LED and at least two selectable...

Emmett Kilgariff San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7385607  Jun 10, 2008

Filed: Sep 10, 2004

Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J. M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S. Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
10/938042 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/16, G06F 15/80, G06T 1/20U.S. Classification: 345502, 345505, 345506
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Sébastien Dominé San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8001531  Aug 16, 2011

Filed: Jul 30, 2007

Philip A. Rideout (Fort Collins, CO)
Jason R. Allen (Austin, TX)
Jeffrey T. Kiel (Raleigh, NC)
Sébastien Julien Dominé (San Jose, CA)
11/830785 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 9/44, G06F 15/16U.S. Classification: 717124, 717127, 717132, 717136, 717137, 709217, 709219, 709231, 709236
Translation of a shader assembly language binary for debugging a graphics application running on a...
Embodiments of the invention provide a debugging tool configured to translate a pre-compiled binary ...

Peter Tseng San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8382335  Feb 26, 2013

Filed: Jun 27, 2012

Gerard Harbers (Sunnyvale, CA)
Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (Campbell, CA)
13/534661 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 29/00U.S. Classification: 362294, 362373, 362800, 362 84, 257 89, 257 79, 257 80, 257 81, 25022711
Light emitting diode module with three part color matching
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one LED and at least two selectable...

Alexandre Parenteau San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7750913  Jul 6, 2010

Filed: Oct 24, 2006

Alexandre S. Parenteau (San Jose, CA)
Cynthia W. Lau (Campbell, CA)
11/586269 Adobe Systems Incorporated (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/16, G06T 15/50, G06T 15/60U.S. Classification: 345502, 345426
System and method for implementing graphics processing unit shader programs using snippets
Shader programs that execute on graphics processing units (GPUs), such as vertex and pixel shaders...

Gary King San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7876332  Jan 25, 2011

Filed: Dec 20, 2006

Christopher D. S. Donham (San Mateo, CA)
Edward A. Hutchins (Mountain View, CA)
Gary C. King (San Jose, CA)
Michael J. M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
11/643558 Nvidia Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G09G 5/00U.S. Classification: 345619, 345421, 345422, 345613
Shader that conditionally updates a framebuffer in a computer graphics system
A computer-implemented graphics system that includes a rasterizer and a shader has a mode of...

Brandy Brandeberry San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

ColoristPainterSupporting MemberTeam MemberReceptionistFront Desk ClerkFront Office ReceptionistSales ExecutiveSales Manager

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The corner barber shop
Marriott - Ogden, UT
Front desk associate/ays guest assistant

Konstantin Othmer San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5909291  Jun 1, 1999

Filed: Jun 7, 1995

Robin D. Myers (Pleasanton, CA)
Keith McGreggor (San Jose, CA)
Robert Johnson (Canoga Park, CA)
Konstantin Othmer (San Jose, CA)
8/480957 Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA)
International Classification: H04N 121, H04N 146U.S. Classification: 358523
Color matching apparatus and method
A color matching system initializes a translator by storing profiles of source and destination...

Emmett Kilgariff San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7852340  Dec 14, 2010

Filed: Dec 14, 2007

Rui M. Bastos (Rua Luzitana, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J.M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
11/957358 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/80, G06T 15/50, G06T 15/00U.S. Classification: 345505, 345426, 345522
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Yang Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2005006  Mar 31, 2005

Filed: Sep 25, 2003

Yang Jiao (San Jose, CA)
Zhou Hong (Cupertino, CA)
International Classification: G06T011/20U.S. Classification: 345443000
Anti-aliasing line pixel coverage calculation using programmable shader
A system and method for rendering a non-zero thickness line on a pixel-limited output device such...

Brian Cabral San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7852340  Dec 14, 2010

Filed: Dec 14, 2007

Rui M. Bastos (Rua Luzitana, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J.M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
11/957358 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/80, G06T 15/50, G06T 15/00U.S. Classification: 345505, 345426, 345522
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Roger Allen San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7385607  Jun 10, 2008

Filed: Sep 10, 2004

Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J. M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S. Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
10/938042 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/16, G06F 15/80, G06T 1/20U.S. Classification: 345502, 345505, 345506
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Brian Cabral San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7385607  Jun 10, 2008

Filed: Sep 10, 2004

Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J. M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S. Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
10/938042 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/16, G06F 15/80, G06T 1/20U.S. Classification: 345502, 345505, 345506
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Yang Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8499305  Jul 30, 2013

Filed: Oct 15, 2010

Yang (Jeff) Jiao (San Jose, CA)
Yang (Jeff) Jiao (San Jose, CA)
12/905385 VIA Technologies, Inc. (Taipei)
International Classification: G06F 9/46U.S. Classification: 718107
Systems and methods for performing multi-program general purpose shader kickoff
Systems and methods for thread group kickoff and thread synchronization are described. One method...

Yang Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8144149  Mar 27, 2012

Filed: Apr 19, 2006

Yang (Jeff) Jiao (San Jose, CA)
Yijung Su (Alviso, CA)
11/406543 Via Technologies, Inc. (Taipei)
International Classification: G06T 15/50U.S. Classification: 345426, 345419, 345543, 345557, 345506, 711125, 711153, 711154, 711170, 718100, 718103, 718104, 718105
System and method for dynamically load balancing multiple shader stages in a shared pool of...
The present disclosure is directed to novel methods and apparatus for managing or performing the...

Jeff Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2009018  Jul 16, 2009

Filed: Jan 16, 2008

Jeff Jiao (San Jose, CA)
12/015112 VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (Taipei)
International Classification: G06F 12/08U.S. Classification: 711133, 711E12069
Caching Method and Apparatus for a Vertex Shader and Geometry Shader
Systems and methods for sharing a physical cache among one or more clients in a stream data...

Roger Allen San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7852340  Dec 14, 2010

Filed: Dec 14, 2007

Rui M. Bastos (Rua Luzitana, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Michael J.M. Toksvig (Palo Alto, CA)
Johnny S Rhoades (Durham, NC)
Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Craig Michael Wittenbrink (Palo Alto, CA)
Sean J. Treichler (Mountain View, CA)
11/957358 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/80, G06T 15/50, G06T 15/00U.S. Classification: 345505, 345426, 345522
Scalable shader architecture
A scalable shader architecture is disclosed. In accord with that architecture, a shader includes...

Peter Tseng San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8220971  Jul 17, 2012

Filed: Nov 12, 2009

Gerard Harbers (Sunnyvale, CA)
Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (Campbell, CA)
12/617668 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 29/00U.S. Classification: 362294, 362373, 362800, 362 84, 257 89, 257 79, 257 80, 257 81, 25022711
Light emitting diode module with three part color matching
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one light emitting diode (LED) and at...

Joseph Shu San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6204939  Mar 20, 2001

Filed: Mar 30, 1998

Joseph Shu (San Jose, CA)
9/050862 Seiko Epson Corporation (Tokyo)
International Classification: G03F 308U.S. Classification: 358518
Color matching accuracy inside and outside the gamut
The present invention is directed to an apparatus and a method to improve color matching between...

Peter Tseng San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2013031  Nov 28, 2013

Filed: Jul 31, 2013

Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (San Jose, CA)
13/956007 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 9/10U.S. Classification: 362231
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one LED and at least two selectable...

Keith Mcgreggor San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5909291  Jun 1, 1999

Filed: Jun 7, 1995

Robin D. Myers (Pleasanton, CA)
Keith McGreggor (San Jose, CA)
Robert Johnson (Canoga Park, CA)
Konstantin Othmer (San Jose, CA)
8/480957 Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA)
International Classification: H04N 121, H04N 146U.S. Classification: 358523
Color matching apparatus and method
A color matching system initializes a translator by storing profiles of source and destination...

Christopher Reed San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8500297  Aug 6, 2013

Filed: Jan 17, 2013

Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (San Jose, CA)
13/744274 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 9/00U.S. Classification: 362231, 362294, 362373, 362800, 362 84, 362 11, 257 89, 257 79, 257 80, 257 81, 25022711
Light emitting diode module with three part color matching
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one LED and at least two selectable...

Joseph Shu San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6181445  Jan 30, 2001

Filed: Mar 30, 1998

Joseph Shu (San Jose, CA)
9/050860 Seiko Epson Corporation (Tokyo)
International Classification: H04N 146, G03F 308U.S. Classification: 358520
Device-independent and medium-independent color matching between an input device and an output device
The present invention is directed to a method and apparatus for improving color matching between...

Christopher Reed San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2013031  Nov 28, 2013

Filed: Jul 31, 2013

Peter K. Tseng (San Jose, CA)
Christopher R. Reed (San Jose, CA)
13/956007 Xicato, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
International Classification: F21V 9/10U.S. Classification: 362231
A light emitting diode module is produced using at least one LED and at least two selectable...

Yan Tang San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8134570  Mar 13, 2012

Filed: Sep 18, 2006

Andrew J. Tao (San Francisco, CA)
Roger L. Allen (Lake Oswego, OR)
Svetoslav D. Tzvetkov (Irvine, CA)
Yan Yan Tang (San Jose, CA)
Elena M. Ing (Santa Clara, CA)
11/532779 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G09G 5/00U.S. Classification: 345581, 345419, 345582, 345506, 345422, 345643, 382154, 382285, 382295
System and method for graphics attribute packing for pixel shader usage
A system, method and computer program product are provided for packing graphics attributes. In use, ...

Brian Cabral San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7324106  Jan 29, 2008

Filed: Jul 27, 2004

Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Amy J. Midgal (Cupertino, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Adballa (Menlo Park, CA)
10/899603 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 15/50, G06T 15/60, G06F 12/02, G06F 9/44, G06F 9/46U.S. Classification: 345426, 345543, 345559, 719328
Translation of register-combiner state into shader microcode
An apparatus and method for translating fixed function state into a shader program. Fixed function...

Yang Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8174534  May 8, 2012

Filed: Dec 6, 2007

Yang (Jeff) Jiao (San Jose, CA)
11/951867 Via Technologies, Inc. (Hsin-Tien, Taipei)
International Classification: G09G 5/00, G06T 15/50, G06T 15/60U.S. Classification: 345582, 345426
Shader processing systems and methods
Various embodiments of shader processing systems and methods are disclosed. One method embodiment,...

Emmett Kilgariff San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7486290  Feb 3, 2009

Filed: Jun 10, 2005

Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Wei-Chao Chen (San Jose, CA)
Douglas J. Hahn (Los Altos, CA)
11/149717 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/00U.S. Classification: 345426, 345419, 345584, 717143, 717170
Graphical shader by using delay
A graphical shader and a method of distributing graphical data to shader pipelines in a graphical...

Brian Cabral San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8223150  Jul 17, 2012

Filed: Jul 28, 2011

Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Amy J. Migdal (Cupertino, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
13/193524 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 15/50, G06F 12/02, G06F 9/44, G09G 5/36U.S. Classification: 345426, 345543, 345559, 719328
Translation of register-combiner state into shader microcode
An apparatus and method for translating fixed function state into a shader program. Fixed function...

Brett Coon San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8159496  Apr 17, 2012

Filed: Jun 1, 2009

John Erik Lindholm (Saratoga, CA)
Brett W. Coon (San Jose, CA)
Gary M Tarolli (Concord, MA)
12/476137 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G06T 1/00, G06F 15/80, G09G 5/00U.S. Classification: 345506, 345501, 345505, 345552, 345557, 345582
Subdividing a shader program
Methods and apparatus for subdividing a shader program into regions or “phases” of instructions iden...

Konstantine Iourcha San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2012032  Dec 20, 2012

Filed: Jun 17, 2011

Konstantine Iourcha (San Jose, CA)
John W. Brothers (Sunnyvale, CA)
International Classification: G06T 11/40U.S. Classification: 345501
A processing unit, method, and medium for decompressing or generating textures within a graphics...

Eric Werness San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7839410  Nov 23, 2010

Filed: Dec 12, 2006

Patrick R. Brown (Raleigh, NC)
Eric S. Werness (San Jose, CA)
11/609831 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 15/00U.S. Classification: 345541
Parameter buffer objects for shader parameters in a graphics library
One embodiment of the invention is a method for accessing and updating data in a buffer object...

Brian Cabral San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8004523  Aug 23, 2011

Filed: Dec 28, 2007

Brian Cabral (San Jose, CA)
Amy J. Migdal (Cupertino, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
11/966905 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 15/50, G06F 12/02, G06F 9/44, G09G 5/36U.S. Classification: 345426, 345543, 345559, 719328
Translation of register-combiner state into shader microcode
An apparatus and method for translating fixed function state into a shader program. Fixed function...

David Cook San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8004515  Aug 23, 2011

Filed: Mar 15, 2005

David R. Cook (San Jose, CA)
Mikhail V. Krivega (Fremont, CA)
11/081344 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 15/00, G06T 15/50, H04N 13/00, H04N 13/04, G03B 35/00U.S. Classification: 345419, 345426, 348 42, 348 51, 352 57
Stereoscopic vertex shader override
A system and method that produces stereoscopic images modifies a vertex shader program that was...

Emmett Kilgariff San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7623132  Nov 24, 2009

Filed: Dec 20, 2004

Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Christian Rouet (San Rafael, CA)
Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
11/019975 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G09G 5/36U.S. Classification: 345506, 345559
Programmable shader having register forwarding for reduced register-file bandwidth consumption
A method and apparatus of operating a shader having multiple texture or shader processing stations. ...

Jeff Jiao San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2009018  Jul 30, 2009

Filed: Jan 25, 2008

Jeff Jiao (San Jose, CA)
12/019741 VIA Technologies, Inc. (Taipei)
International Classification: G06T 15/50U.S. Classification: 345426
Graphics Processor having Unified Shader Unit
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are used, for example, to process data related to...

Brett Coon San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8253748  Aug 28, 2012

Filed: Nov 29, 2005

Roger L. Allen (Lake Oswego, OR)
Brett W. Coon (San Jose, CA)
11/290764 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/00U.S. Classification: 345501, 702182
Shader performance registers
One embodiment of a system for collecting performance data for a multithreaded processing unit...

Wei-Chao Chen San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7486290  Feb 3, 2009

Filed: Jun 10, 2005

Emmett M. Kilgariff (San Jose, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Wei-Chao Chen (San Jose, CA)
Douglas J. Hahn (Los Altos, CA)
11/149717 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06F 15/00U.S. Classification: 345426, 345419, 345584, 717143, 717170
Graphical shader by using delay
A graphical shader and a method of distributing graphical data to shader pipelines in a graphical...

Chad Walker San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7439979  Oct 21, 2008

Filed: Nov 10, 2004

Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Chad D. Walker (San Jose, CA)
Rui M. Bestos (Porto Alegre, BR)
10/985285 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G09G 5/36U.S. Classification: 345506, 345557
Shader with cache memory
A shader having a cache memory for storing program instructions is described. The cache memory...

Brett Coon San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7542043  Jun 2, 2009

Filed: May 23, 2005

John Erik Lindholm (Saratoga, CA)
Brett W. Coon (San Jose, CA)
Gary M. Tarolli (Concord, MA)
11/136346 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G06F 5/80U.S. Classification: 345506, 345501, 345505, 345552, 345557, 345582
Subdividing a shader program
Methods and apparatus for subdividing a shader program into regions or “phases” of instructions iden...

Roger Allen San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7542042  Jun 2, 2009

Filed: Nov 10, 2004

Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Rui M. Bastos (Porto Alegre, BR)
Karim M. Abdalla (Menlo Park, CA)
Justin S. Legakis (Sunnyvale, CA)
10/985575 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G06F 15/80, G09G 5/377, G09G 5/397, G09G 5/00U.S. Classification: 345506, 345505, 345629
Subpicture overlay using fragment shader
A new method of operating a fragment shader to produce complex video content comprised of a video...

Roger Allen San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7439979  Oct 21, 2008

Filed: Nov 10, 2004

Roger L. Allen (San Jose, CA)
Chad D. Walker (San Jose, CA)
Rui M. Bestos (Porto Alegre, BR)
10/985285 NVIDIA Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
International Classification: G06T 1/20, G09G 5/36U.S. Classification: 345506, 345557
Shader with cache memory
A shader having a cache memory for storing program instructions is described. The cache memory...

Michael Olivieri San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

Production ArtistColoristArts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistPainterClient Service OfficerCustomer Service

Experience & Education


Specialized bicycle components
Production artist
Almaden paint & wallpaper - San Jose, CA
Customer service representative/color specialist

Sean Worsham San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

Game ArtistEntertainment ProfessionalAnimatorModelEntertainerClownPainterComedianDesignersMaster of ScienceIllustratorGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerBachelor of Fine ArtsPHP DeveloperComputer Games ProfessionalSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersComputer SpecialistMedical Laboratory ProfessionalMedical Laboratory TechnologistOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Senior Game Artist at TinyCo
Game Artist at TinyCo
San Jose, California
Work history:
TinyCo - 1 Bush Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94104Senior Game Artistsince Oct 2011Namco / Bandai Games - 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 400, San Jose, CA 95110Concept Artist, Character Designer, 2D Animator, 3D Modeler2006 - Sep 2011
Character Design, Modeling, Storyboarding, Animation, Character, Drawing, 2D, Cartoons, Maya,...

Nino Aguilar San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

Free Lance ArtistFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalPainterEntertainerComputer Games ProfessionalComputer SpecialistGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic Designer

Experience & Education

Art Lead at Machine Zone
San Jose, California
Computer Games
Work history:
Machine Zone - Palo Alto, CAArt Leadsince Jan 2011Fantasy Flight Games Freelance ArtistMar 2011 - Aug 2011
Illustrator, Photoshop, Illustration, 3D, Traditional Animation, Maya, Concept Design, 3D Studio...
Colorist at 4Kids Entertainment

Cynthia Santana San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

EnterpreneurPainterCraft ArtistHairdresserHair StylistHair ColoristDesignersIndependent ContractorContractorChief Administrative OfficerChief ExecutiveIndependent Business OwnersOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Legal Transcription at Confidential Law Firm, Hairdresser at Cindy's Secret Salon, Hair...
Hairdresser, jewelry designer and Internet Enterpreneur
San Jose, California
Consumer Services
Work history:
Confidential Law Firm - San Jose, CaliforniaLegal Transcriptionsince Jun 2012Cindy's Secret Salon - San Jose, CaliforniaHairdressersince Jan 2012
Hair color specialist, above average organizational skills, Jewelry Design, Craft, Handmade...

Jonathan Dublin San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

ModelColoristPainterTeam MemberVolunteerNon-ProfitProduction TechnicianTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerFisherBachelor of ScienceCertified Nurse AideTechniciansNurseNurse PractitionerOperations ManagerData ScientistChemical ProfessionalChemist

Experience & Education


10 books a home
Volunteer role model
Access closure inc - Mountain View, CA
Floor lead / hydrogel fabrication


Floor Team Lead Team Trainer Excel Data Entry Freeze-Dry Hydrogel Fabrication Chemical...

Cap Prince San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

Video EditorVideo Editing ProfessionalPainterDesignersMarketing AdministratorGraphic DesignerGraphic Design SpecialistManagerMarketing ManagerOperations ManagerProject ManagersProject ManagerDepartment SupervisorManagersSystems Support SpecialistSupport Specialists

Experience & Education


O'connor hospital
Senior marketing communications designer
Coastline marketing group
Graphic designer/project manager


Software Skills Expertise: Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Final Cut Pro Power Point Acrobat MS...

Emmanuel Yuzon San Jose, CA

Professions & Specialties

TechnicianElectro-Mechanical TechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsMechanicOwnerChief Executive

Experience & Education


The simple solution - San Jose, CA
Field service it technician
Self-employed - hercules - Hercules, CA
Owner operator

Colorists near San Jose, CA0612182430Santa ClaraMountain ViewPalo AltoSunnyvaleCupertinoLos GatosLos AltosFremontSaratogaCampbell