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Craft Artists in Bristol, RI

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5 results found

Linda Rhynard Bristol, RI

Professions & Specialties

Arts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistAgentSales AgentSales RepresentativeInstructorPedagogueNurseNurse PractitionerOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Fiber Artist-Owner, Teacher- Weaving and Spinning at Kindred Spirits Creations, Agent for Schacht...
Fiber Artist- Teacher- Weaving and spinning
Bristol, Rhode Island
Arts and Crafts
Work history:
Kindred Spirits Creations - Bristol. RIFiber Artist-Owner, Teacher- Weaving and Spinningsince 2008Kindred Spirits Creations - Kindred Spirits CreationsAgent for Schacht Productssince Jan 2008

Faith Wilbur Little Compton, RI

Professions & Specialties

Arts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistOwnerManagerChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerBachelor of ScienceIndependent ContractorContractorIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

OWNER Manager at B's Bungalow & Gray Gable Guest Houses
OWNER Manager B's Bungalow & Gray Gable Guest Houses
Little Compton, Rhode Island
Arts and Crafts
Work history:
B's Bungalow & Gray Gable Guest Houses - Little Compton, R.I.OWNER Managersince 2004Faith E. Wilbur ANTIQUES - Bristol, R.I.SHOP KEEPER1995 - 2002

Ricky Gagnon Providence, RI

Professions & Specialties

Arts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistDirectorOwnerOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveCuratorTeam MemberRepossessorCollections SpecialistComputer Scientists

Experience & Education

Artist at Cabot House Art Gallery, Artist at HOPE GALLERY, Artist at Anythng Goes Gallery, Director ...
Director/Curator at New Hope Art Gallery
Providence, Rhode Island Area
Arts and Crafts
Work history:
Cabot House Art Gallery - Warwick, RIArtistsince Jul 2012HOPE GALLERY - Bristol, RIArtistsince 2011
Curating, Contemporary Art, Galleries, Art, Fine Art, Painting, Curatorial, Abstract, Acrylic,...

Erin Dawson Bristol, RI

Professions & Specialties

Production ArtistArts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistGraphic DesignerSupporting MemberTeam MemberDesignersDesign Expert

Experience & Education


Adams media
Associate graphic designer
Self employed
Freelance designer and production artist

Johnpaul Fernandes Bristol, RI

Professions & Specialties

Craft ArtistPromoterOwnerChief ExecutiveManagement Team ExecutiveOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Artist/promoter at JP's STUDIO, Owner at Jp's Studio, Artist/boardmember at Portsmouth Arts Guild,...
Artist/promoter at JP's STUDIO
Bristol, Rhode Island
Fine Art
Work history:
JP's STUDIO - Bristol RI 02809Artist/promotersince Feb 2011Jp's Studio - Bristol Rhode Island USAOwnersince Jun 2004

Craft Artists near Bristol, RI03316629931,3241,655ProvidenceWarwickMiddletownCranstonPawtucketFall RiverNew BedfordEast ProvidenceSmithfieldMansfield

Craft Artists around Bristol, RI

Barrington  (3)
Coventry  (1)
Cranston  (19)
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Fall River  (16)
Jamestown  (1)
Norton  (6)
Pawtucket  (17)
Portsmouth  (5)
Providence  (1,651)
Raynham  (2)
Rehoboth  (3)
Seekonk  (3)
Smithfield  (10)
Taunton  (4)
Tiverton  (6)
Wakefield  (6)
Warren  (7)
Warwick  (24)

Craft Artists in Rhode Island