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Fine Art Professionals in Cherry Hill, NJ

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5 results found

Colleen Voiles Cherry Hill, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Free Lance ArtistFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsManagerOperations ManagerGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic Designer

Experience & Education


Pb beauty school
Personal media assistant
Voila! studios
Freelance artist


Adobe Premiere,Wacom Tablet, Adobe Photoshop,Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Illustrator, Drawing,...

Kristen Klepacki Cherry Hill, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Creative ProfessionalFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalManagement AnalystApprenticeAnalystsStudent Worker

Experience & Education


Delaware river port authority
Management analyst
Delaware river port authority
Special projects graduate intern


Highly proficient in Microsoft Office Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word.

Jason Hufner Cherry Hill, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Free Lance ArtistFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalInstallerInstallation ExpertService TechnicianMaintenance and Repair Worker

Experience & Education


Paul machenry and company
Authorized accessories installer
Self employed
Freelance artist


Painting, Graphic Design, Woodworking

Chris Seabo Philadelphia, PA

Professions & Specialties

Arts and Crafts SpecialistCraft ArtistFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalVideo EditorSenior ManagerMarketing ManagerChief Executive OfficerOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveMarketing AdministratorBrand PlannerBrand RepresentativeAdjunct InstructorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerAdvertising ProfessionalWeb MarketerAdvertising Sales AgentDesign ManagerContractorIndependent ContractorVolunteerPR and Communications ProfessionalPhilanthropeOrganization ManagementNon-ProfitPublic Relations ProfessinalJava DeveloperC# DeveloperSharePoint AdministratorDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorIT ManagerComputer Systems AdministratorComputer SpecialistSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersNetwork Systems AdministratorComputer Network ProfessionalNetwork AdministratorHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

Senior Brand and Content Marketing Manager at Food Bank of South Jersey, Adjunct Digital Technology ...
Senior Manager Brand and Content at Food Bank of South Jersey
Greater Philadelphia Area
Graphic Design
Work history:
Food Bank of South Jersey - Pennsauken, NJSenior Brand and Content Marketing Managersince Mar 2013The University of the Arts - Greater Philadelphia AreaAdjunct Digital Technology CE Facultysince Jul 2009
HTML, CSS, Web Design, Web Development, Concept Development, Brand Development, Brochures, Digital...

Denise Marshall-tucker Cherry Hill, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Creative DirectorArt DirectorFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalProduction DesignerDesign ManagerDesignersBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education


Quadriga art, inc
International creative liaison (creative director)
Quadriga art, inc - New York, NY

Fine Art Professionals near Cherry Hill, NJ0116232348464580PhiladelphiaMoorestownMarltonMount LaurelCamdenGibbsboroMagnoliaRiversideSomerdale

Fine Art Professionals around Cherry Hill, NJ

Camden  (3)
Gibbsboro  (2)
Magnolia  (1)
Marlton  (3)
Moorestown  (4)
Mount Laurel  (3)
Philadelphia  (577)
Riverside  (1)
Somerdale  (1)

Fine Art Professionals in New Jersey
