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Goldsmiths in Hunt Valley, MD

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1 result found

Elizabeth Grove Baltimore, MD

Professions & Specialties

GoldsmithJewelsmithJewelerOffice AssistantCoordinatorVolunteerAdministrative AssociateCrewmanSupporting MemberOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistManagersNon-ProfitAdministrative ClerkTeam MemberChief Executive OfficerChief Administrative OfficerVice PresidentCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveRecruitmentHuman Resources SpecialistLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate Manager

Experience & Education

Executive Assistant at Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Real Estate
Work history:
Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland - Downtown BaltimoreExecutive Assistantsince Jul 2013The Shelter Group - Baltimore, MDAdministrative Assistant to Sr. VP of HRFeb 2011 - Mar 2013

Goldsmiths near Hunt Valley, MD048121620BaltimoreWoodstock

Goldsmiths around Hunt Valley, MD

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Goldsmiths in Maryland


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