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Models in Moultonborough, NH

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5 results found

Clark Mansur Moultonborough, NH

Professions & Specialties

ModelPainterConsultant CoachSports Game CoachEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonTechnical Support AgentSupport SpecialistClient Service OfficerDirectorManagerOperations ManagerSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsCustomer Service

Experience & Education

Production Consultant Trainer at Xeikon
Moultonborough, New Hampshire
Work history:
Xeikon - Moultonborough, NHProduction Consultant Trainersince Jul 2012Xeikon Workflow SpecialistJun 2008 - Aug 2012
Color Management, Remote Support, Electronic Engineering, Digital Workflow, Variable Data Printing, ...

Neil Cook Haverhill, MA

Professions & Specialties

ClerkSecurityClerical SpecialistBuyerEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentRetail Store ManagerSupplierBuyer and SellerSales RepresentativeDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonRetail Sales ManagerServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentInformation Technology DirectorSales ManagerIT ManagerOperations ManagerSystems Support SpecialistSupport Specialists

Experience & Education

Retail Store Clerk II at New Hampshire Wine and Liquor Outlets
Haverhill, Massachusetts
Work history:
New Hampshire Wine and Liquor Outlets - Rt 95 North Hampton New Hampshire #76Retail Store Clerk IIsince Sep 2011Camp Robindel - Moultonboro, NHI.T. Director (Contract)Jul 2011 - Aug 2011
Model and serial number verification

Kaitlyn Soares Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Ballet DancerCreative DirectorDance ArtistDancerArt DirectorModelEntertainment ProfessionalEntertainerAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentCommunity ManagerManagersOffice AdministratorPartnerDirectorOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveResearcherSurvey ResearcherBrand RepresentativeWeb MarketerClerkInternational AffairsOrganization ManagementSpokespersonRepresentativePublic Relations SpecialistPR and Communications ProfessionalPublic Relations ProfessinalAdvisorClerical SpecialistMarketing ManagerSales ManagerMaster of ScienceBachelor of ArtsHigh School DiplomaGraphic DesignerStudent WorkerDancing TeacherSales Executive

Experience & Education

Community Manager at The Fantastical, Office Administrator, College of Arts & Sciences | Office ...
Marketing & Advertising Professional
Boston, Massachusetts
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
The Fantastical - Boston, MACommunity Managersince Jan 2013Boston University - Boston, MAOffice Administrator, College of Arts & Sciences | Office of Student Programs & Leadershipsince Sep 2011
Advertising, Advertising Research, Editing, Facebook, Google Adwords, Social Media, Social Media...
English, Spanish, Italian
Personal First Aid / CPR Certified

Jamie Ferrante Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Independent ContractorContractorChief Administrative OfficerChief ExecutiveRestaurant ServerFood ServerIndependent Business OwnersOperations ManagerAdvertising Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Independent Distributor at It Works! Marketing (Self-employed), Office and Administrative Support...
Independent Distributor at It Works! Global
Greater Boston Area
Consumer Services
Work history:
It Works! Marketing - United StatesIndependent Distributorsince Oct 2012CruCon Cruise Outlet - Moultonborough, NHOffice and Administrative Supportsince May 2012
Sales Model at Preston Marketing Concepts

Eric Lowrey New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

ModelVice PresidentChief ExecutiveRepresentativeSupporting MemberTeam MemberManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerAnalystsMaster of Business AdministrationSenatorLegislatorFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeper

Experience & Education

New York, New York
Investment Banking
Work history:
Jefferies & Company - New York, NYVice PresidentApr 2009 - Aug 2012Deutsche Bank - New York, NYAssociateAug 2007 - Jul 2008

Models near Moultonborough, NH01224364860ConcordRochesterLaconiaTiltonMeredithBelmontJacksonFreedomBethlehemOssipee

Models around Moultonborough, NH

Alton  (1)
Ashland  (1)
Belmont  (3)
Bethlehem  (2)
Chichester  (1)
Concord  (57)
Franklin  (1)
Freedom  (2)
Fryeburg  (1)
Gilmanton  (1)
Hiram  (1)
Intervale  (1)
Jackson  (3)
Laconia  (9)
Lincoln  (1)
Madison  (1)
Meredith  (5)
Milton  (1)
New Hampton  (1)
Ossipee  (2)
Rochester  (15)
Salisbury  (1)
Tilton  (5)
Warren  (1)

Models in New Hampshire