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Trickmasters in Natick, MA

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5 results found

Craig Ciquera Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

TrickmasterObject Manipulation SpecialistEngineerMatlab DeveloperPHP DeveloperSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperC++ DeveloperComputer Software ProfessionalSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorSoftware Deployment EngineerSoftware EngineerGuideTour GuideCertified Nurse AideNurseNurse PractitionerManagerOperations ManagerBachelor of Science

Experience & Education

Continuous Integration / Product Engineer @ LeaseAcceleator
United States
Financial Services
Work history:
Mathworks - Natick, MASoftware Release EngineerSep 2004 - Jan 2012MathWorks, Inc Release EngineerSep 2004 - Jan 2012
Perforce, Perl, Ant, CVS, Unix Shell Scripting, J2EE, PHP, Java, HTML, Databases, ClearCase, SQL,...
Provide an installation wizard using InstallShield 55

Keerthana Raman Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

Object Manipulation SpecialistQuality EngineerCompliance EngineerSoftware TesterComputer SpecialistApprenticeStudent WorkerComputational ScientistSoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorUser Interface DesignerComputer ScientistsBachelor of Engineering

Experience & Education


Smithmicro software
Quality assurance engineer
Smithmicro software - Chicago, IL
Quality assurance intern


C, C++, HTML, PHP, Matlab, JIRA, SpiraTeam, QTP, QA Wizard, Shell Scripting, Windows, Unix, Mac,...

Benjamin Fisher Natick, MA

Professions & Specialties

TrickmasterObject Manipulation SpecialistMS OfficeApprenticeMaster of ScienceBachelor of SciencePsychologistStudent WorkerPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education


Wolf & company, p.c - Boston, MA
Senior performance & development specialist
Parametric technology corporation - Needham, MA
Organizational development specialist


MS office suite (Advanced Excel), viDesktop, Succession Wizard, and Saba Learning Management System

Nelson Almeida New Bedford, MA

Professions & Specialties

TrickmasterObject Manipulation SpecialistSupport SpecialistClient Service OfficerTechnical Support SpecialistInformation Technology SpecialistSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsIT SpecialistTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerCustomer Service

Experience & Education

IT Support Specialist
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Information Technology and Services
Work history:
Smiths Medical - Rockland, MATechnical Support Specialist - Windows 7 MigrationMay 2013 - Jul 2013Boston Scientific - Natick, MADeskside Support Technician - (Windows 7 Deployment)May 2012 - Dec 2012
English, Portuguese
..XP to Windows 7 migration via Profile Wizard Migration Tool on over 125 HP PC

Brian Wilson Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Object Manipulation SpecialistSoftware EngineerLinux AdministratorComputer Software ProfessionalUnix AdministratorSoftware DevelopersSystems AdministratorComputer Systems AdministratorDriversComputer ScientistsIT Specialist

Experience & Education

Software Engineer at ExaGrid Systems
Greater Boston Area
Computer Software
Work history:
ExaGrid Systems Software Engineersince Jul 2004EMC - Hopkinton and Cambridge MASoftware EngineerApr 2003 - Jun 2004
..power management driver for the PCMCIA Wizard

Trickmasters near Natick, MA048121620CambridgeWalthamFraminghamNeedhamLexingtonNewtonArlingtonWatertownWellesleyBrookline

Trickmasters around Natick, MA

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Franklin  (1)
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Milford  (1)
Needham  (6)
Newton  (4)
Norwood  (3)
Waltham  (13)
Watertown  (3)
Wayland  (2)
Wellesley  (3)

Trickmasters in Massachusetts