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Voice Artists in Santa Rosa, CA

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5 results found

Roger Bolt Santa Rosa, CA

Professions & Specialties

Voice-Over ArtistPhotographerActing ProfessionalVoice ArtistImpersonatorSong LyricistLyricistPoetAuthorMusiciansRadio HostCommercial AnnouncerPresenterHostRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales Representative

Experience & Education

Voice Over and Broadcasting Talent at Bolt Media, Photographer at Roger Bolt Photography
Bolt Media, Broadcasting, Voice Actor, Photographer, Songwriter, Musician
Santa Rosa, California
Broadcast Media
Work history:
Bolt Media - Santa Rosa, Ca.Voice Over and Broadcasting Talentsince Jan 2012Roger Bolt Photography - United StatesPhotographersince Jan 2004

Colman Shew San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

Voice-Over ArtistEntertainment ProfessionalVoice ArtistEntertainerClient Service OfficerCustomer Service

Experience & Education

Voice over talent at voice of shew, Gas Service Representative at Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Gas Service Representative at Pacific Gas and Electric Company
San Francisco Bay Area
Work history:
Voice of shew Voice over talentPacific Gas and Electric Company - Santa Rosa, CAGas Service Representativesince Aug 1999

Curtiss Kim San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

News AnchorReporterCorrespondentCommercial AnnouncerPresenterHostBachelor of ArtsSupporting MemberTeam Member

Experience & Education

Former Anchor/Reporter at KSRO-AM
San Francisco Bay Area
Broadcast Media
Work history:
KSRO-AM 1350 NewsTalk Radio - Santa Rosa, CAFormer Anchor-ReporterFeb 2007 - Nov 2012
Broadcast, Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, ENPS, Breaking News, Television, Voice Over Talent, Radio

David Gross San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

EntertainerVideo EditorVoice ArtistMarketing DirectorProduce ManagerChief ExecutiveProduction ManagerProject ManagersRadio HostCommercial AnnouncerPresenterProject ManagerBusiness Development ManagerOperations ManagerGraphic DesignerMusic ArtistMusicians

Experience & Education

Director of Marketing, On-Air Talent at Wine Country Radio / KRSH / KSXY / KNOB / KXTS / KSXY HD2
Director of Marketing, On-Air Talent at Wine Country Radio
San Francisco Bay Area
Broadcast Media
Work history:
Wine Country Radio / KRSH / KSXY / KNOB / KXTS / KSXY HD2 - Santa Rosa, CADirector of Marketing, On-Air Talentsince Apr 2002Grateful Dead Productions Music Product ManagerMay 1999 - Mar 2001
Radio Host, Voice Over, Radio, Radio Broadcasting, Broadcast, Radio Promotions, Music Industry,...

Craig Mason San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

Theater ActorActing ProfessionalImpersonatorVoice ArtistDirectorOperations ManagerInstructorPedagogueCoordinatorManagersNon-ProfitPsychologistLawyersPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

Director of Meals on Wheels and Senior Cafe at Petaluma People Services Center, Improv and musical...
Director of Meals on Wheels and Senior Cafe at Petaluma People Services Center
San Francisco Bay Area
Civic & Social Organization
Work history:
Petaluma People Services Center Director of Meals on Wheels and Senior Cafesince Jan 2005Sixth Street Playhouse - Santa Rosa, CAImprov and musical theater actorsince Aug 2008
Non-profits, Community Outreach, Psychotherapy, Program Development, Crisis Intervention, Public...

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