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Childcare Workers in Grand Ledge, MI

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5 results found

Heather Christensen Grand Ledge, MI

Professions & Specialties

Childcare WorkerChildcare WorkersAssistant ManagerManagersOperations ManagerFood Service DirectorFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service Workers

Experience & Education


Logan's restaurant - Lansing, MI
Assistant manager and server trainer
Self-employed - Grand Ledge, MI
Childcare provider

Heather Kenyon Grand Ledge, MI

Professions & Specialties

Childcare WorkerChildcare WorkersShift ManagerManagers

Experience & Education


Tates playhouse - Grand Ledge, MI
Childcare provider
Wendys of michigan - Portland, MI
Shift manager

Jamie Norton Grand Ledge, MI

Professions & Specialties

Office ClerkClerical SpecialistClient Service OfficerCustomer Service

Experience & Education


Sparrow hospital
Diet office clerk
Munson medical center - Traverse City, MI
Meal service representative

Jessica Couch Grand Ledge, MI

Professions & Specialties

Property ManagerReal Estate ManagerCustomer ServiceClient Service Officer

Experience & Education


Spalding insurance agency
Customer service represenative
Madison property management/peak management - Grand Ledge, MI
Property manager

Christopher Schaeffer Grand Ledge, MI

Professions & Specialties

Childcare WorkerChildcare WorkersStockerStock Clerk

Experience & Education


Ponce child care - Grand Ledge, MI
Assist in learning activities
Service master of kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI
Cleaning tech

Childcare Workers near Grand Ledge, MI023466992115LansingBattle CreekJacksonEast LansingEaton RapidsAlbionHaslettIoniaDewittMarshall

Childcare Workers around Grand Ledge, MI

Albion  (10)
Bath  (1)
Battle Creek  (47)
Carson City  (2)
Charlotte  (4)
Clarksville  (1)
Dewitt  (6)
Dimondale  (1)
Eagle  (1)
East Lansing  (35)
Eaton Rapids  (10)
Fowler  (1)
Haslett  (9)
Hastings  (3)
Holt  (5)
Hubbardston  (1)
Ionia  (7)
Jackson  (45)
Lansing  (114)
Leslie  (3)
Marshall  (5)
Mason  (3)
Mulliken  (1)
Nashville  (2)
Okemos  (2)
Olivet  (1)
Ovid  (1)
Parma  (4)
Perry  (4)
Pewamo  (1)
Portland  (2)
Potterville  (1)
Saint Johns  (2)
Sheridan  (3)
Spring Arbor  (1)
Springport  (1)
Vermontville  (1)
Williamston  (1)

Childcare Workers in Michigan