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Childcare Workers in New Knoxville, OH

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1 result found

Amy Kraft New Knoxville, OH

Professions & Specialties

Childcare WorkerChildcare WorkersMedical TranscriptionistClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare SupportRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education


Self employed - New Knoxville, OH
Childcare provider


Skilled in receiving, preparing, delivering and logging MT reports online using Microsoft Word,...

Childcare Workers near New Knoxville, OH0816243240LimaTroySidneyAnnaGreenvillePiquaVersaillesOttovilleWest MiltonCelina

Childcare Workers around New Knoxville, OH

Anna  (4)
Arcanum  (2)
Celina  (3)
Coldwater  (1)
De Graff  (1)
Delphos  (1)
Greenville  (4)
Harrod  (1)
Lima  (37)
Middle Point  (1)
Minster  (2)
New Bremen  (2)
Ottoville  (3)
Piqua  (4)
Pitsburg  (1)
Rockford  (2)
Saint Marys  (2)
Saint Paris  (1)
Sidney  (9)
Spencerville  (1)
Troy  (10)
Versailles  (4)
Waynesfield  (1)
West Milton  (3)

Childcare Workers in Ohio