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Hair Removers in Bridgeport, CT

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7 results found

Hyunchul Kim Bridgeport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hair RemoverSkincare Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#D510138  Sep 27, 2005

Filed: Oct 3, 2003

Hyunchul Kim (Bridgeport, CT)
29/191275 Conair Corporation (Stamford, CT)
International Classification: 2402U.S. Classification: D24133, D24146, D28 44
Hair remover
The ornamental design for a hair remover, as shown and described.

Tracey Hyatt-smith Bridgeport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hair RemoverSkincare SpecialistLicensed Practical NurseCertified Nurse PractitionerNurse Practitioner

Experience & Education


Astoria park
Licensed practical nurse
Drs. levin, fliegelman
Licensed practical nurse & laser hair removal tech

David Locke Bridgeport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hair RemoverSkincare Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4988354  Jan 29, 1991

Filed: Jan 13, 1989

David R. Locke (Bridgeport, CT)
7/297189 Remington Products, Inc. (Bridgeport, CT)
International Classification: A61B 1700U.S. Classification: 606133
Depilatory device
An improved depliatory device is provided having a magnifying lens for enlarging a user's view of...

David Locke Bridgeport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hair RemoverSkincare Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4950274  Aug 21, 1990

Filed: Jan 13, 1989

David R. Locke (Bridgeport, CT)
Nancy E. Terhune (Fair Lawn, NJ)
7/297247 Remington Products, Inc. (Bridgeport, CT)
International Classification: A61B 1700U.S. Classification: 606133
Depilatory device
An improved depilatory device is provided having a brush which raises and presents body hairs to...

David Locke Bridgeport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hair RemoverSkincare Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4917678  Apr 17, 1990

Filed: Sep 1, 1988

David R. Locke (Bridgeport, CT)
Pieter L. Lochner (Surrey, GB2)
7/239456 Remington Products, Inc. (Bridgeport, CT)
International Classification: A61B 1750U.S. Classification: 606133
Depilatory device
An improved depilatory device is disclosed which includes a plurality of rotating, generally...

Dana Brownell Westport, CT

Professions & Specialties

Skin Care TechnicianCosmetologistBeauticianSkincare SpecialistPlastic SurgeonReconstructive SurgeonSurgical SpecialistDoctor of MedicineFamily PractitionerGeneral PractitionerPhysician

Experience & Education

Plastic Surgery
Westport Medispa
32 Imperial Ave, Westport, CT 06880
(203) 227-5437 (Phone)
Healthgrades Honor Roll
English, Hebrew
Westport Medispa
32 Imperial Ave, Westport, CT 06880

Bridgeport Hospital
267 Grant Street, Bridgeport, CT 06610
Lasers, Botox, Dermal Fillers and Ultrasound devices, like a scalpel, are only a tool to be used...
Laser Hair Removal

Paul Laterra Montgomery, NJ

Professions & Specialties

Principal ScientistComputer ScientistIT ScientistConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkTechnical Support SpecialistSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Principal Scientist at Johnson & Johnson
Skillman, New Jersey
Consumer Goods
Work history:
Johnson & Johnson - Greater Los Angeles AreaPrincipal Scientistsince Aug 2012Johnson & Johnson - Neutrogena - Greater Los Angeles AreaSr. EngineerAug 2009 - Sep 2012
Developed various hair depilatory formulas

Hair Removers near Bridgeport, CT01234NorwalkWestportNew HavenFairfieldNew CanaanWiltonNorthport

Hair Removers around Bridgeport, CT

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New Canaan  (1)
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Northport  (1)
Norwalk  (4)
Westport  (3)
Wilton  (1)

Hair Removers in Connecticut