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Banquet Managers in Shelbyville, MI

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1 result found

Samantha Mackenzie Grand Rapids, MI

Professions & Specialties

Banquet SupervisorBanquet ManagerChef Special Events ManagerChefFood PreparerFood Preparation WorkerEvent PlannerSpeakerSpokespersonRepresentativeEvent ManagerCleaning WorkerStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Event Coordinator at Bay Pointe Inn
Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area
Work history:
Bay Pointe Inn - Shelbyville, MIEvent Coordinatorsince May 2013Bay Pointe Inn - Shelbyville, MIBanquet SupervisorMay 2011 - Apr 2013

Banquet Managers near Shelbyville, MI048121620Grand RapidsKalamazooWyomingBattle CreekComstock ParkRichlandAdaAlleganLowellCaledonia

Banquet Managers around Shelbyville, MI

Ada  (1)
Allegan  (1)
Battle Creek  (2)
Caledonia  (1)
Grand Rapids  (19)
Kalamazoo  (15)
Lowell  (1)
Richland  (1)
Wyoming  (3)

Banquet Managers in Michigan
