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Line Cooks in Laura, OH

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Here is a complete directory of nearly every local Line Cooks in Laura, OH.

Be sure to check other neighborhoods around Laura, OH to find contact information of more service providers.

The Trustoria Directory helps you know the best professional for your latest project.

1 result found

Christian Wick Laura, OH

Professions & Specialties

Line CookCookPreparation CookShort Order CookCulinary Arts ProfessionalFood PreparerFood Preparation WorkerManufacturing LaborerMachine OperatorLaborerIndustrial OperatorTeam MemberNurseNurse Practitioner

Experience & Education


H.i.s. staffing - Columbus, OH
General laborer
Delphi - Vandalia, OH
Machine operator


Very good with hands, detail oriented, can lift heavy objects all day with no problem, goals...

Line Cooks near Laura, OH0336699132165DaytonMiamisburgEnglewoodGreenvilleTroyPiquaVandaliaSidneyWest MiltonNew Paris

Line Cooks around Laura, OH

Brookville  (1)
Dayton  (165)
Eaton  (1)
Englewood  (7)
Greenville  (6)
Medway  (1)
Miamisburg  (8)
New Carlisle  (2)
New Paris  (2)
Piqua  (6)
Sidney  (5)
Troy  (6)
Vandalia  (5)
West Milton  (2)

Line Cooks in Ohio


Line Cook  (1)