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Line Cooks in Yankee Lake, OH

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1 result found

Joseph Grandon Yankee Lake, OH

Professions & Specialties

Line CookCookPreparation CookShort Order CookCulinary Arts ProfessionalFood PreparerFood Preparation Worker

Experience & Education


Avalon golf and country club
Line cook/prep cook

Line Cooks near Yankee Lake, OH01530456075YoungstownWarrenNew CastleHermitageNilesCanfieldMercerGirardStruthersNorth Lima

Line Cooks around Yankee Lake, OH

Bristolville  (1)
Campbell  (3)
Canfield  (8)
Columbiana  (3)
Dorset  (1)
Girard  (4)
Greenville  (2)
Hartstown  (1)
Hermitage  (18)
Hubbard  (2)
Linesville  (1)
Lowellville  (2)
Masury  (1)
Mercer  (6)
North Lima  (4)
Struthers  (4)
Transfer  (1)
Vienna  (1)
Volant  (2)
Warren  (26)
Youngstown  (75)

Line Cooks in Ohio


Line Cook  (1)