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Illustrators in Clymer, NY

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1 result found

Cala Glatz Clymer, NY

Professions & Specialties

Graphic DesignerGraphic Design SpecialistIllustratorApprenticeLeaderManagersTeaching AssistantEducational Assistant TeacherCookBachelor of Fine ArtsStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Freelance Graphic Designer at Studio EightyTwo
Graphic Designer
Clymer, New York
Graphic Design
Work history:
Studio EightyTwo - Clymer, NYFreelance Graphic Designersince Aug 2010Isca Design Studio - Oswego, NYGraphic DesignerJun 2011 - Sep 2012

Illustrators near Clymer, NY0255075100125ErieJamestownEdinboroNorth EastWarrenCambridge SpringsFredoniaWestfieldWaterfordFalconer

Illustrators around Clymer, NY

Brocton  (1)
Chautauqua  (1)
Corry  (1)
Edinboro  (18)
Erie  (125)
Falconer  (2)
Fredonia  (3)
Guys Mills  (1)
Harborcreek  (1)
Jamestown  (24)
Lakewood  (1)
Mayville  (1)
North East  (6)
Union City  (1)
Warren  (6)
Waterford  (2)
Westfield  (3)

Illustrators in New York


Illustrator  (1)