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Surgeons in Hampstead, NH

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5 results found

Thomas Johnson North Andover, MA

Professions & Specialties

ImmunologistGeneral InternistFamily PractitionerSurgeonGeneral PractitionerSurgical SpecialistPhysician

Experience & Education


Allergy & Immunology
Internal Medicine
New England Allergy & Immnlgy
555 Turnpike St, North Andover, MA 01845

N. E. Allergy Asthma Immunology & Primary Care PC
133 Market St, Lowell, MA 01852

James Sellers Hampstead, NH

Professions & Specialties

SurgeonSurgical Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5980555  Nov 9, 1999

Filed: Nov 14, 1997

Denise Barbut (New York, NY)
Jonathan D. Root (San Francisco, CA)
Giovanni Pastrone (Los Gatos, CA)
James M. Sellers (Hampstead, NH)
Robert Rizzari (Haverhill, MA)
8/970956 Embol-X, Inc. (Portola Valley, CA)
International Classification: A61M 2900U.S. Classification: 606200
Method of using cannula with associated filter during cardiac surgery
Devices and methods for filtering blood. The devices generally comprise: a mesh for filtering...

Carolyn Farhadian Hampstead, NH

Professions & Specialties

SurgeonSurgical SpecialistRegistered NurseAdministrative AssociateAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistTeam MemberChief Executive

Experience & Education


Salem haven rehabilitation & nursing center
Registered nurse
Administrative assistant

Kathleen Lefave Hampstead, NH

Professions & Specialties

SurgeonSurgical SpecialistManagerOperations ManagerOphthalmic TechnicianFront Desk ClerkTechnicianManagersFront Office ReceptionistTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Nutfield eye associates
Manager, ophthalmic technician dept
Retina associates - Raleigh, NC
Ophthalmic technician

Meaghan Yogeeswaran San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

SurgeonSurgical SpecialistBehavioral ConsultantRegistered NurseHospital Care ProfessionalNurseHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerNurse PractitionerPsychology SpecialistMedical TranscriptionistClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare SupportEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonBachelor of Science

Experience & Education

Registered Nurse at California Pacific Medical Center
San Francisco Bay Area
Hospital & Health Care
Work history:
California Pacific Medical Center - San FranciscoRegistered Nursesince Feb 2012Cedars Sinai Medical Center - Los Angeles, CaRegistered Nurse/ Clinical Nurse IIJun 2010 - Feb 2012
lung volume reduction surgery

Surgeons near Hampstead, NH058116174232290ManchesterNashuaLowellLawrenceMethuenDerryAndoverSalemNorth AndoverHaverhill

Surgeons around Hampstead, NH

Amesbury  (5)
Andover  (70)
Auburn  (4)
Billerica  (26)
Boxford  (3)
Candia  (1)
Derry  (70)
Dracut  (8)
Fremont  (1)
Groveland  (1)
Haverhill  (53)
Hudson  (12)
Kingston  (1)
Lawrence  (75)
Lee  (14)
Londonderry  (40)
Lowell  (109)
Manchester  (288)
Merrimac  (1)
Merrimack  (10)
Methuen  (72)
Middleton  (15)
Nashua  (229)
Newfields  (1)
Newmarket  (3)
Newton  (2)
North Andover  (60)
Nottingham  (1)
Pelham  (7)
Plaistow  (8)
Raymond  (4)
Rowley  (1)
Salem  (63)
Sandown  (1)
Seabrook  (1)
Stratham  (6)
Tewksbury  (14)
West Newbury  (1)
Wilmington  (18)
Windham  (6)

Surgeons in New Hampshire