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Engineering Managers in Riverside, ND

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5 results found

John Pfaff Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Engineering ManagerProject EngineerElectrical EngineeringEngineering SpecialistTechnology ManagerTechnical ManagersOperations ManagerConstructionBusiness AdministratorEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonMaster of Business AdministrationColonel

Experience & Education

Electrical Test Development Engineer Sr. at Bobcat Company
Electrical Test Development Engineer Sr.
West Fargo, North Dakota
Work history:
Bobcat Company - Bocat DoosanElectrical Test Development Engineer Sr.since Oct 2004Bobcat Company - Bismarck, North Dakota AreaPlant Quality Engineering Manager2008 - 2009

Brett Malsom Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Project EngineerSenior Design EngineerEngineering SpecialistHead EngineerEngineering ManagerConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkProject ManagersTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Design Engineer at CNH
West Fargo, North Dakota
Work history:
CNH Design Engineersince Sep 2012Aircom Manufacturing Senior EngineerJan 2009 - Sep 2012

Lowell Boe Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Engineering ManagerManagerTechnology ManagerDirectorOperations ManagerTechnical Managers

Experience & Education


Dejana van and cargo equipment inc - Baltimore, MD
General manage/engineering manager
Truck bodies and equipment international - Rugby, ND
Director of engineering/engineering manager

Arthur Weidner Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Civil EngineerCivil EngineeringSenior Design EngineerOperations EngineerHead EngineerEngineering ManagerField EngineerAccount ManagerBachelor of ScienceBusiness AdministratorHR ManagerChief ExecutiveDepartment SupervisorManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Ge water & process technologies - West Fargo, ND
Account manager
Us air force
Asset management flight chief, 386 expeditionary civil engineer squadron

Katherine Ahlberg Rapid City, SD

Professions & Specialties

Engineering ManagerCustomer ServiceBusiness AnalystAnalystAnalystsComputer Software ProfessionalSoftware DevelopersTechnology ManagerTechnical ManagersBusiness AdministratorComputer Network ConsultantComputer ConsultantIT ConsultantOperations ManagerBachelor of ScienceWellness and FitnessTechnical CommunicatorAuthorClient Service Officer

Experience & Education

Business Analyst at Health Fitness Corporation
Rapid City, South Dakota Area
Computer Software
Work history:
Health Fitness Corporation Business Analystsince Sep 2012Echelon - Fargo, NDRequirements Engineering ManagerFeb 2003 - May 2012

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Casselton  (2)
Fargo  (104)
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Engineering Managers in North Dakota