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Mechanical Engineering Professionals in Georgetown, PA

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2 results found

Michael Shaffer Georgetown, PA

Professions & Specialties

Mechanical EngineerMechanical Engineering ProfessionalMechanical EngineeringApprenticeStudent WorkerAssayerLaboratory ChemistChemical ProfessionalChemist

Experience & Education


Bayer healthcare
New product development, mechanical engineer
Bayer healthcare - Indianola, PA
New product development, engineering intern

Richard Garlaus Georgetown, PA

Professions & Specialties

Mechanical EngineerMechanical Engineering ProfessionalMechanical EngineeringProject ManagerProject Managers

Experience & Education


Rampart hydro services
Project manager
Rampart hydro services
Mechanical engineer

Mechanical Engineering Professionals near Georgetown, PA0142284426568710PittsburghYoungstownCranberry TownshipBeaver FallsNew CastleSteubenvilleNew BrightonZelienopleBeaverWampum

Mechanical Engineering Professionals around Georgetown, PA

Ambridge  (2)
Beaver  (3)
Beaver Falls  (6)
Columbiana  (2)
Conway  (1)
Enon Valley  (1)
Freedom  (1)
Hookstown  (1)
Imperial  (2)
Leetonia  (1)
Midland  (2)
New Brighton  (4)
New Castle  (6)
Pittsburgh  (709)
Sewickley  (1)
Steubenville  (4)
Toronto  (1)
Wampum  (3)
Warrendale  (2)
Weirton  (2)
Youngstown  (54)
Zelienople  (3)

Mechanical Engineering Professionals in Pennsylvania
