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Mechanical Engineering Professionals in Girard, PA

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Here is a complete list of nearly all local Mechanical Engineering Professionals in Girard, PA.

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1 result found

Bruce Bloomster Erie, PA

Professions & Specialties

Senior Design EngineerMechanical EngineerMechanical EngineeringEngineering SpecialistHead EngineerEngineering ManagerMechanical Engineering ProfessionalLeaderManagersSales and Marketing ManagerSales Engineering SpecialistSales EngineerProject ManagerBusiness AdministratorMaster of Business AdministrationProduction ManagerProject ManagersOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Commercial Operations P&L Leader, Marine and Stationary Products at GE Transportation
at GE Transportation
Erie, Pennsylvania Area
Work history:
GE Transportation - Erie, Pennsylvania AreaCommercial Operations P&L Leader, Marine and Stationary Productssince May 2011The Warren Company Sales & Marketing ManagerMay 2006 - Feb 2011

Mechanical Engineering Professionals near Girard, PA024487296120ErieMeadvilleGreenvilleFairviewCorryAtlanticWaterfordUnion CityNorth EastMc Kean

Mechanical Engineering Professionals around Girard, PA

Ashtabula  (1)
Atlantic  (1)
Conneaut  (1)
Corry  (2)
Erie  (117)
Fairview  (3)
Greenville  (5)
Kingsville  (1)
Lake City  (1)
Mc Kean  (1)
Meadville  (7)
North East  (1)
Union City  (1)
Waterford  (1)

Mechanical Engineering Professionals in Pennsylvania
