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Quality Engineers in Chester, NH

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5 results found

Hope Gagne Chester, NH

Professions & Specialties

Quality EngineerCompliance EngineerSenior Project ManagerSenior ManagerOperations ManagerAdvisorOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistManagers

Experience & Education


Fidelity investments - Merrimack, NH
Senior project manager
Fidelity investments - Merrimack, NH
Quality assurance engineer

Roland Lebrun Chester, NH

Professions & Specialties

Quality EngineerCompliance EngineerQuality Assurance ManagerQuality Assurance ProfessionalInspectorSupervisorQuality ManagerModeratorRepresentativeManagersAdvisorSupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeBachelor of Science

Experience & Education


Brazecom industries llc - Weare, NH
Quality assurance manager
Uni-cast inc - Londonderry, NH
Quality assurance manager


AS9100, [] NADCAP, SPC, Quality Management, Gagepak, MS Word, MS Excel, E2 MRB System.

Patricia Decker Chester, NH

Professions & Specialties

Compliance EngineerSoftware ManagerSoftware DevelopersTeam LeaderOperations ManagerComputational ScientistComputer ScientistsProduction ManagerBachelor of Science

Experience & Education


Kronos, incorporated
Software development manager, certified scrum master
Absence management
Development team lead

Paul Rich Chester, NH

Professions & Specialties

Project EngineerEngineering SpecialistCompliance EngineerProcess EngineerIndustrial EngineerMechanical Engineering ProfessionalMechanical EngineeringInstructorPedagogue

Experience & Education


University of massachusetts
Instructor in mechanical engineering dept
Warner power
Sr. mechanical design engineer

Matthew Ruger Chester, NH

Professions & Specialties

Quality EngineerCompliance EngineerQuality ManagerManagersBusiness AdministratorSupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeBachelor of ScienceOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Dover motion
Dover motion
Quality manager

Quality Engineers near Chester, NH03570105140175NashuaAndoverManchesterLowellMerrimackHudsonSalemMethuenLondonderryHaverhill

Quality Engineers around Chester, NH

Amesbury  (5)
Amherst  (8)
Andover  (114)
Atkinson  (3)
Auburn  (1)
Barrington  (4)
Boxford  (1)
Candia  (2)
Concord  (20)
Derry  (21)
Dracut  (9)
East Derry  (1)
Fremont  (1)
Goffstown  (4)
Groveland  (1)
Hampstead  (4)
Haverhill  (22)
Hudson  (33)
Kingston  (1)
Lawrence  (14)
Lee  (9)
Londonderry  (28)
Lowell  (77)
Manchester  (109)
Merrimac  (3)
Merrimack  (64)
Methuen  (29)
Nashua  (171)
Newmarket  (2)
Newton  (3)
North Andover  (16)
Northwood  (1)
Pelham  (1)
Plaistow  (6)
Raymond  (5)
Salem  (33)
Sandown  (2)
Stratham  (3)
Tewksbury  (21)
Windham  (7)

Quality Engineers in New Hampshire