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Corporate Executives in Winnebago, NE

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6 results found

Erin Morgan Sioux City, IA

Professions & Specialties

Vice PresidentChief Executive OfficerChief ExecutiveCorporate ExecutiveInformation Technology SpecialistIT SpecialistAcrobat

Experience & Education

Vice President - Flatwater Group & Tobacco Division at Ho-Chunk, Inc., CEO at All Native Solutions
Vice President - Strategic Development and Operations at Ho-Chunk, Inc.
Sioux City, Iowa Area
Executive Office
Work history:
Ho-Chunk, Inc. - Winnebago, NEVice President - Flatwater Group & Tobacco Divisionsince Jan 2012All Native Solutions CEOsince Jan 2006

Nancy Gillis Bancroft, NE

Professions & Specialties

Chief Executive OfficerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveAdjunct InstructorLecturerPostsecondary TeacherPriestReverendClergyPoetAuthor

Experience & Education

Executive Director at John G. Neihardt State Historic Site, Adjunct Instructor at Little Priest...
Executive Director - John G. Neihardt State Historic Site
Bancroft, Nebraska
Museums and Institutions
Work history:
John G. Neihardt State Historic Site - Bancroft,NEExecutive Directorsince Mar 1997Little Priest Tribal Collage - Winnebago, NEAdjunct Instructorsince 2012

Brian Mathers Sioux City, IA

Professions & Specialties

Chief Executive OfficerOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveGrant Writing ProfessionalAuthorOrganization ManagementNon-ProfitPsychologistPsychology Specialist

Experience & Education

Grant Writer at Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Grant Writer, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Sioux City, Iowa Area
Nonprofit Organization Management
Work history:
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska - Winnebago, NEGrant Writersince Apr 2012Center for Siouxland CEOFeb 2010 - Mar 2012
Non-profits, Grant Writing, Public Relations, Fundraising, Research, Nonprofits, Social Services,...

Robert Baxter Sioux City, IA

Professions & Specialties

DirectorChief Executive OfficerOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutivePriestReverendClergySoil and Plant ScientistLawyers

Experience & Education

Director of College Business and Finance at Little Priest Tribal College
Director of Business and Finance
Sioux City, Iowa Area
Higher Education
Work history:
Little Priest Tribal College - Winnebago, NeDirector of College Business and Financesince Jan 2011General Business Products, Inc CEOJan 1989 - Mar 2003

Joy Johnson Sioux City, IA

Professions & Specialties

OwnerChief ExecutiveCommunity Service ManagerProject ManagersHR ManagerOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveGrant Writing ProfessionalAuthorAgentSales RepresentativeLicensed Real Estate BrokerProperty ManagerReal Estate ManagerGovernment Administration ProfessionalAdvisorFarmworker

Experience & Education

Tribal Grant Writer at Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, Broker/Owner at Joy Johnson Real Estate
Grants Writing and Management Professional
Sioux City, Iowa Area
Government Administration
Work history:
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska - Winnebago, NebraskaTribal Grant Writersince Mar 2012Joy Johnson Real Estate Broker/Ownersince 2004

Prosper Waukon Winnebago, NE

Professions & Specialties

DirectorChief Executive OfficerOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutivePlannerVolunteerNon-Profit

Experience & Education


Waukon & associates
Contract management
Waukon & associates - Fairfield, IA
National meditation development coordinator-american indian initiatives

Corporate Executives near Winnebago, NE0136272408544680Sioux CityFremontLe MarsSouth Sioux CityBlairWayneScribnerTekamahMovilleWest Point

Corporate Executives around Winnebago, NE

Anthon  (1)
Bancroft  (1)
Blair  (10)
Dakota City  (1)
Decatur  (1)
Dixon  (1)
Dodge  (1)
Fremont  (34)
Hawarden  (3)
Homer  (2)
Jefferson  (3)
Laurel  (1)
Lawton  (1)
Le Mars  (15)
Mondamin  (1)
Moville  (3)
Oakland  (2)
Pender  (2)
Rodney  (1)
Scribner  (4)
Sioux City  (680)
Sloan  (1)
Snyder  (1)
Tekamah  (3)
Thurston  (1)
Wayne  (7)
West Point  (3)
Whiting  (2)

Corporate Executives in Nebraska
