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Food and Beverage Directors in Killeen, TX

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6 results found

Lenny Bolton Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverage DirectorFood Service DirectorFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service Workers

Experience & Education

Food and Beverage Director at shilo inns
Killeen/Temple, Texas Area
Work history:
Shilo inns Food and Beverage Director

Willie Browning Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverage DirectorFood Service DirectorFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service Workers

Experience & Education

Food and Beverage Director at The Mark Restaurant
Killeen/Temple, Texas Area

Jane Sisson Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Executive Vice PresidentManagerFood and Beverage DirectorVice PresidentChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerFood Service DirectorFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service Workers

Experience & Education

Executive Vice President at CitiFinancial
Killeen/Temple, Texas Area
Financial Services
Work history:
CitiFinancial Executive Vice Presidentsince Mar 1996Best Western International - The Inn at Chimney Hill College Station TexasFood and Beverage ManagerAug 1993 - Aug 1995

Patrick Mcnamara Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverage DirectorTerritory Sales ManagerFood Service DirectorRegion ManagerFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service WorkersArea ManagerManagersFood Preparation Worker

Experience & Education


American campus community's
Food and beverage director
Us foodservice - Austin, TX
Territory sales manager

William Browning Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverage DirectorChief Executive OfficerFood Service DirectorCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveFood Service ManagerFood Service SupervisorFood Service Workers

Experience & Education


Shilo inns hotel
Food and beverage director
Las casas restaurant - Temple, TX
General manager

Becky Hewitt Killeen, TX

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverage DirectorFood Service DirectorRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonFood Service WorkersFood Service ManagerFood Service Supervisor

Experience & Education

Retail Sales Assistant at Ocean Quest Pools by Lew Akins
Killeen/Temple, Texas Area
Food & Beverages
Work history:
Ocean Quest Pools by Lew Akins Retail Sales AssistantWildflower Country Club Food and Beverage Director1991 - 2004

Food and Beverage Directors near Killeen, TX01326395265AustinLeanderCedar ParkRound RockWacoBurnetGatesvilleGeorgetownTempleLiberty Hill

Food and Beverage Directors around Killeen, TX

Austin  (62)
Burnet  (1)
Cedar Park  (3)
Gatesville  (1)
Georgetown  (1)
Leander  (4)
Liberty Hill  (1)
Round Rock  (3)
Temple  (1)
Waco  (1)

Food and Beverage Directors in Texas