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Management Team Executives in Three Rivers, NM

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1 result found

Christy Tafoya Santa Fe, NM

Professions & Specialties

Vice PresidentChairpersonBoard MemberChief Executive OfficerCommunity Service ManagerChief ExecutiveManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveDirectorGovernment Administration ProfessionalNon-ProfitManagersMaster of ArtsBachelor of ArtsArcheologistConservation ScientistSchool AdministratorEducational Manager

Experience & Education

Bureau Chief, Field Support at NM State Parks
Santa Fe, New Mexico Area
Government Administration
Work history:
NM State Parks - Santa Fe, New Mexico AreaBureau Chief, Field Supportsince Mar 2012Environmental Education Association of NM - Albuquerque, NMVice President, President, Board MemberOct 2006 - Oct 2012
Program Management, Budgets, Personnel Management, Environmental Education, Contract Management,...

Management Team Executives near Three Rivers, NM020406080100Las CrucesAlamogordoRuidosoHolloman AFBAltoCloudcroftFort Stanton

Management Team Executives around Three Rivers, NM

Alamogordo  (11)
Alto  (2)
Cloudcroft  (1)
Fort Stanton  (1)
Holloman AFB  (3)
Las Cruces  (96)
Ruidoso  (6)

Management Team Executives in New Mexico


Board Member  (1)