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Owners in Glen Fork, WV

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1 result found

Angela Francis Glen Fork, WV

Professions & Specialties

OwnerManagerChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerLicensed Practical NurseCertified Nurse PractitionerNurse PractitionerHairdresserHair Stylist

Experience & Education


Raleigh general hospital
Angelas beauty and tanning salon - Sabine, WV

Owners near Glen Fork, WV021426384105BeckleyCrab OrchardMalloryFairdaleLesterKistlerRock ViewGlen DanielEcclesCyclone

Owners around Glen Fork, WV

Accoville  (1)
Arnett  (1)
Beckley  (102)
Crab Orchard  (6)
Cyclone  (1)
Davin  (1)
Dry Creek  (1)
Eccles  (1)
Fairdale  (3)
Glen Daniel  (2)
Glen White  (1)
Harper  (1)
Jesse  (1)
Kistler  (2)
Lester  (3)
Mallory  (4)
Mc Graws  (1)
Naoma  (1)
North Spring  (1)
Pax  (1)
Pineville  (1)
Rock Creek  (1)
Rock View  (2)
Saxon  (1)
Twilight  (1)
Van  (1)
Whitesville  (1)

Owners in West Virginia