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Owners in Mc Comas, WV

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2 results found

Guyna Day Mc Comas, WV

Professions & Specialties

OwnerChief Executive

Experience & Education


Mercer county board of eduation - Princeton, WV
Nutrition services aid
Neigborhood cafe - Montcalm, WV

John Wright Mc Comas, WV

Professions & Specialties

ManagerOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveCorporate Executive

Experience & Education


Rjw drilling - Rock, WV
Manager/shotfirer to drill and blast
Wagner's - Palmerston, Otago

Owners near Mc Comas, WV01530456075PrincetonTazewellShady SpringAthensCrab OrchardNarrowsBlandGhentLesterRock View

Owners around Mc Comas, WV

Athens  (7)
Bastian  (2)
Bland  (4)
Bramwell  (1)
Camp Creek  (1)
Cool Ridge  (2)
Crab Orchard  (6)
Ghent  (4)
Glen Daniel  (2)
Glen Fork  (1)
Glen White  (1)
Jesse  (1)
Lashmeet  (1)
Lerona  (1)
Lester  (3)
Mc Graws  (1)
Montcalm  (1)
Narrows  (6)
Nemours  (1)
Oakvale  (2)
Pineville  (1)
Pocahontas  (1)
Princeton  (72)
Rock View  (2)
Rocky Gap  (2)
Shady Spring  (9)
Tazewell  (10)

Owners in West Virginia