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Funders in Danville, VA

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1 result found

Samanthe Tiver Danville, VA

Professions & Specialties

FunderFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales AgentVolunteer CoordinatorApprenticeNon-ProfitStudent WorkerGovernment Administration ProfessionalMarket Research AnalystLanguage SpecialistOperations ManagerCommunity Service Manager

Experience & Education

Volunteer Coordinator at God's Storehouse
Danville, Virginia Area
Civic & Social Organization
Work history:
God's Storehouse - Danville, Virginia AreaVolunteer Coordinatorsince Aug 2012Danville Regional Foundation - Danville, Virginia AreaInternAug 2011 - Nov 2012
Social Media, Research, Economics, Non-profits, Econometrics, Stata, Market Research, Public...

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