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Clinical Data Management Professionals in Odin, IL

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Here is a complete directory of nearly all available Clinical Data Management Professionals in Odin, IL.

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2 results found

Melissa Jones Odin, IL

Professions & Specialties

PhlebotomistMedical Record TranscriberStudent WorkerMedical TranscriptionistClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare SupportApprenticeReceptionistFront Desk ClerkClerkFront Office ReceptionistClerical Specialist

Experience & Education


St. elizabeth's hospital - Belleville, IL
Phlebotomist intern
Neuromuscular orthopedic institute - Mount Vernon, IL
Receptionist/medical records clerk


I have over 10 years of general office experience, and 7 years of medical office experience &...

Bonnie Burnett Odin, IL

Professions & Specialties

NurseNurse PractitionerClinical Data Management ProfessionalHealth Information SpecialistHealthcare SupportSupervisorManagers

Experience & Education


St mary's-good samaritan hospital, inc
Rn, nursing supervisor
St mary's-good samaritan hospital, inc
Central supply tech

Clinical Data Management Professionals near Odin, IL01234BentonBreeseSalemTamaroaSchellerDu QuoinChristopherBlufordAlbersAlma

Clinical Data Management Professionals around Odin, IL

Albers  (1)
Alma  (1)
Beckemeyer  (1)
Benton  (4)
Bluford  (1)
Breese  (3)
Christopher  (1)
Du Quoin  (2)
Nashville  (1)
New Baden  (1)
New Memphis  (1)
Saint Jacob  (1)
Salem  (3)
Scheller  (2)
Tamaroa  (2)
Waltonville  (1)

Clinical Data Management Professionals in Illinois
