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Health Services Administrators in Soldotna, AK

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1 result found

Clifford Alston Soldotna, AK

Professions & Specialties

Health Information ManagerHealth Services AdministratorMedical Services ManagerHealth Services ManagerHealthcare SupportNurse PractitionerDirectorOperations ManagerMaster of Business AdministrationBachelor of ScienceSupporting MemberTeam MemberLecturerPostsecondary Teacher

Experience & Education


Central peninsula hospital
Interim med-surg/wound care director
Christus health - Corpus Christi, TX
Case manager

Health Services Administrators near Soldotna, AK01234KenaiAnchor PointCooper LandingSterling

Health Services Administrators around Soldotna, AK

Anchor Point  (1)
Kenai  (4)
Sterling  (1)

Health Services Administrators in Alaska
