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Medical Billing and Codings in Groningen, MN

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1 result found

Susan Charon Duluth, MN

Professions & Specialties

Hospital Care ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerMedical Billing and CodingPhysicianMedical Support AssistantHealth Support WorkerHealthcare SupportManagerOperations ManagerAnalystAnalystsSystems AdministratorComputer Systems Administrator

Experience & Education

at St Luke's Mental Health Services
Duluth, Minnesota Area
Hospital & Health Care
Work history:
Pine Medical Center - Sandstone, MNBusiness Services ManagerDec 2007 - Sep 2008Riverwood Healthcare Center - Aitkin, MNBusiness Services ManagerJul 2006 - Jan 2008
eClinical, Keane, Linux, Meditech, Dairyland, LSS, PACE, HBOC, Epic, NextGen, Encore, Viking,...
Medical Billing & Coding Forum

Medical Billing and Codings near Groningen, MN03691215DuluthIsantiShaferStacyBarnumKerrickTurtle LakeWascottSuperior

Medical Billing and Codings around Groningen, MN

Barnum  (1)
Duluth  (14)
Isanti  (2)
Kerrick  (1)
Shafer  (1)
Stacy  (1)
Superior  (1)
Turtle Lake  (1)
Wascott  (1)

Medical Billing and Codings in Minnesota


Medical Billing and Coding  (1)