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Medical Sonographers in Champaign, IL

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30 results found

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6537306  Mar 25, 2003

Filed: May 19, 1997

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Chris J. Diederich (Novato, CA)
08/858912 The Regents of the University of California (Oakland, CA)
Dornier Medical Systems, Inc. (Kennesaw, GA)
International Classification: A61N 702U.S. Classification: 607 96, 600459, 601 3
Method of manufacture of a transurethral ultrasound applicator for prostate gland thermal therapy
An apparatus for applying thermal energy to a prostate gland. The apparatus to apply therapeutic...
What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for applying thermal therapy to a prostate gland, comprising: a ...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8025688  Sep 27, 2011

Filed: Mar 24, 2003

Chris J. Diederich (Novato, CA)
Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
10/397070 The Regents of the University of California (Oakland, CA)
Dorner Medical Systems, Inc. (Kennesaw, GA)
International Classification: A61F 7/00U.S. Classification: 607 96, 607113, 607143, 604 22, 601 2, 600439
Apparatus for thermal therapy of prostate gland with ultrasound energy
An apparatus for applying thermal energy to a prostate gland, comprising a support tube having a...

Kenneth Watkin Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2010015  Jun 24, 2010

Filed: Jan 27, 2010

Kenneth L. Watkin (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61K 9/127, A61K 39/44, A61K 35/76, A61K 35/12, A61K 38/02, A61K 31/7088, A61K 31/70U.S. Classification: 424450, 4241781, 424 932, 424 937, 514 2, 514 44 R, 514 23, 514 44 A, 977773, 977907
Nanoparticles for Delivery of Therapeutic Agents Using Ultrasound and Associated Methods
The present invention relates to lipid based nanoparticles or liposomes that are sensitive to...

Leon Frizzell Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4549533  Oct 29, 1985

Filed: Jan 30, 1984

Charles A. Cain (Urbana, IL)
Leon A. Frizzell (Champaign, IL)
6/574930 University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: A61B 500, A61H 100U.S. Classification: 128 24A
Apparatus and method for generating and directing ultrasound
The disclosed apparatus of the invention operates to generate and direct ultrasound over...

Kenneth Watkin Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2010012  May 27, 2010

Filed: Jan 27, 2010

Kenneth L. Watkin (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: B01J 13/04U.S. Classification: 264 43
Nanoparticles for Delivery of Therapeutic Agents Using Ultrasound and Associated Methods
The present invention relates to lipid based nanoparticles or liposomes that are sensitive to...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5733315  Mar 31, 1998

Filed: Nov 1, 1994

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Chris J. Diederich (Novato, CA)
International Classification: A61N 702U.S. Classification: 607 97
Method of manufacture of a transurethral ultrasound applicator for prostate gland thermal therapy
An apparatus for applying thermal therapy to a prostate gland, comprising a support tube having a...

E. Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2005017  Aug 4, 2005

Filed: Jul 21, 2004

Gabor Fichtinger (Bethesda, MD)
Tabish Mustufa (Budd Lake, NJ)
Keenan Wyrobek (Walnut Creek, CA)
E. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61B005/05, A61N005/00, G21K004/00U.S. Classification: 600426000, 378190000
Registration of ultrasound to fluoroscopy for real time optimization of radiation implant procedures
Transrectal ultrasound guided transperineal low dose-rate brachytherapy has been emerged as one of...

Kenneth Watkin Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2006012  Jun 15, 2006

Filed: Nov 10, 2005

Kenneth Watkin (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61K 9/127U.S. Classification: 424450000, 977907000
Nanoparticles for delivery of therapeutic agents using ultrasound and associated methods
The present invention relates to lipid based nanoparticles or liposomes that are sensitive to...

Robert Bilger Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7945064  May 17, 2011

Filed: Apr 9, 2003

Albert S. Feng (Champaign, IL)
Bruce C. Wheeler (Champaign, IL)
Charissa R. Lansing (Champaign, IL)
Herbert Bachler (Meilen, CH)
Robert C. Bilger (Champaign, IL)
10/409970 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: H04R 25/00U.S. Classification: 381312, 381315, 455100
Intrabody communication with ultrasound
A hearing system has a first device and a second device. The first device acoustically couples to...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5810007  Sep 22, 1998

Filed: Jul 26, 1995

Edward J. Holupka (Medway, MA)
Irving D. Kaplan (Newton, MA)
Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
8/507199 Associates of the Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Inc. (Boston, MA)
International Classification: A61B 800U.S. Classification: 12866003
Ultrasound localization and image fusion for the treatment of prostate cancer
A method and apparatus for localizing and treating a patient's prostate by radiation therapy. The...

Carolyn Bilger Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2004020  Oct 14, 2004

Filed: Apr 9, 2003

Albert Feng (Champaign, IL)
Bruce Wheeler (Champaign, IL)
Charissa Lansing (Champaign, IL)
Herbert Bachler (Meilen, CH)
Robert Bilger (Champaign, IL)
Carolyn Bilger (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: H04R025/00, H04M001/00, H04M009/00U.S. Classification: 381/312000, 381/375000, 379/430000
Intrabody communication with ultrasound
A hearing system has a first device and a second device. The first device acoustically couples to...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5391197  Feb 21, 1995

Filed: Jun 25, 1993

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Richard diMonda (Marietta, GA)
8/083967 Dornier Medical Systems, Inc. (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61F 712U.S. Classification: 607 97
Ultrasound thermotherapy probe
A thermotherapy method for treatment of prostate tissues. The thermotherapy method comprises the...

Bruce Wheeler Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7945064  May 17, 2011

Filed: Apr 9, 2003

Albert S. Feng (Champaign, IL)
Bruce C. Wheeler (Champaign, IL)
Charissa R. Lansing (Champaign, IL)
Herbert Bachler (Meilen, CH)
Robert C. Bilger (Champaign, IL)
10/409970 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: H04R 25/00U.S. Classification: 381312, 381315, 455100
Intrabody communication with ultrasound
A hearing system has a first device and a second device. The first device acoustically couples to...

Denae Yates Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

SonographerMedical SonographersStudent WorkerApprentice

Experience & Education


Decatur vein clinic
Lead sonographer
Methodist medical group - Peoria, IL
Vascular intern

Mark Hasegawa-Johnson Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersModel

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2013005  Feb 28, 2013

Filed: Aug 29, 2011

Mark Allan Hasegawa-Johnson (Champaign, IL)
Mark Allan Hasegawa-Johnson (Champaign, IL)
13/220162 SALUTRON, INC. (Fremont, CA)
International Classification: A61B 8/02U.S. Classification: 600453
A heart rate of a subject is determined using a probabilistic segmental model. Reflections of...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5522869  Jun 4, 1996

Filed: Mar 8, 1995

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Goran K. Svensson (Sherborn, MA)
Xing-Qi Lu (Newton, MA)
Michael H. Slayton (Tempe, AZ)
International Classification: A61N 100U.S. Classification: 607 97
Ultrasound device for use in a thermotherapy apparatus
A thermotherapy device for use in treating cancer. The thermotherapy device includes a radio...

Charissa Lansing Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7945064  May 17, 2011

Filed: Apr 9, 2003

Albert S. Feng (Champaign, IL)
Bruce C. Wheeler (Champaign, IL)
Charissa R. Lansing (Champaign, IL)
Herbert Bachler (Meilen, CH)
Robert C. Bilger (Champaign, IL)
10/409970 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: H04R 25/00U.S. Classification: 381312, 381315, 455100
Intrabody communication with ultrasound
A hearing system has a first device and a second device. The first device acoustically couples to...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5549638  Aug 27, 1996

Filed: May 17, 1994

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61N 100U.S. Classification: 607 97
Ultrasound device for use in a thermotherapy apparatus
A thermotherapy device for use in treating cancer. The thermotherapy device includes a radio...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6208883  Mar 27, 2001

Filed: Sep 9, 1998

Edward I. Holupka (Medway, MA)
Irving D. Kaplan (Newton, MA)
Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
9/150452 Associates of the Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Inc. (Champaign, IL)
International Classification: A61B5/00;8/00U.S. Classification: 600407
Ultrasound localization and image fusion for the treatment of prostate cancer
A method and apparatus for localizing and treating a patient's prostate by radiation therapy. The...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2013004  Feb 21, 2013

Filed: Oct 22, 2012

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Dana Deardoff (Oakland, CA)
International Classification: A61N 7/00U.S. Classification: 601 2
An ultrasound device and method for the treatment of intervertebral disc tissue for remediation of...

Albert Feng Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7945064  May 17, 2011

Filed: Apr 9, 2003

Albert S. Feng (Champaign, IL)
Bruce C. Wheeler (Champaign, IL)
Charissa R. Lansing (Champaign, IL)
Herbert Bachler (Meilen, CH)
Robert C. Bilger (Champaign, IL)
10/409970 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: H04R 25/00U.S. Classification: 381312, 381315, 455100
Intrabody communication with ultrasound
A hearing system has a first device and a second device. The first device acoustically couples to...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8292815  Oct 23, 2012

Filed: Jun 12, 2007

Everette C. Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Dana Deardorff (Lafayette, CO)
International Classification: A61B 8/00U.S. Classification: 600439, 600437, 600455, 600459, 600462, 606 41, 606 45, 606 49
Ultrasound device for treatment of intervertebral disc
An ultrasound device and method for the treatment of intervertebral disc tissue for remediation of...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2003006  Apr 10, 2003

Filed: Aug 29, 2002

Everette Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Dana Deardorff (Oakland, CA)
International Classification: A61B018/04U.S. Classification: 606/027000, 607/096000
Ultrasound device for treatment of intervertebral disc tissue
An ultrasound device and method for the treatment of intervertebral disc tissue for remediation of...

Everette Burdette Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2008010  May 8, 2008

Filed: Dec 21, 2007

Everette Burdette (Champaign, IL)
Dana Deardorff (Oakland, CA)
International Classification: A61B 18/04, A61F 7/00U.S. Classification: 606027000, 607096000
Ultrasound device for treatment of intervertebral disc tisssue
An ultrasound device and method for the treatment of intervertebral disc tissue for remediation of...

David Hardwick Urbana, IL

Professions & Specialties

Radiology Practitioner AssistantX-ray SpecialistRadiology WorkerSonographerMedical SonographersMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerSurgeonSurgical SpecialistIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

Practice Administrator/RPA at Bella Medical Center
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Area
Medical Practice
Work history:
Bella Medical Center - Champaign, ILPractice Administrator/RPAsince Feb 2013Central Illinois Radiology Associates Radiology Practitioner AssistantNov 2008 - Feb 2013
Fluoroscopy, Medical Imaging, Radiology, Ultrasound, Healthcare, Hospitals, Pain Management, MRI,...

Pranav Thirumalai Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

Student WorkerSonographerMedical SonographersManagerDirector of OperationsOperations ManagerApprenticeProject ManagersProject ManagerAir Transportation WorkerBiotechnology ProfessionalBiologistBiological ScientistComputer Specialist

Experience & Education


Illini union operations
Operations supervisor (on campus, part-time job)
J.r. simplot company - Boise, ID
Food science intern


R&D, Product Development, Quality Assurance, Pilot Plant Experience, Leadership, Management,...

Kenneth Watkin Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6797257  Sep 28, 2004

Filed: Oct 12, 2001

Michael A. McDonald (Champaign, IL)
Kenneth L. Watkin (Champaign, IL)
09/976746 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: A61B 5055U.S. Classification: 424 932, 424 93, 424 9322, 424 9323, 424 942, 424 95, 424 951, 424 952
Paramagnetic polymerized protein microspheres and methods of preparation thereof
The present invention relates to a composition that includes gadolinium particles encapsulated in...
What is claimed: 1. An imaging composition for obtaining images by medical diagnostic imaging...

Michael Mcdonald Champaign, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6797257  Sep 28, 2004

Filed: Oct 12, 2001

Michael A. McDonald (Champaign, IL)
Kenneth L. Watkin (Champaign, IL)
09/976746 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Urbana, IL)
International Classification: A61B 5055U.S. Classification: 424 932, 424 93, 424 9322, 424 9323, 424 942, 424 95, 424 951, 424 952
Paramagnetic polymerized protein microspheres and methods of preparation thereof
The present invention relates to a composition that includes gadolinium particles encapsulated in...
What is claimed: 1. An imaging composition for obtaining images by medical diagnostic imaging...

Richard Polarek Chicago, IL

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersChairpersonChief ExecutiveSales RepresentativeSales AgentSales and Service SpecialistSupporting MemberTeam MemberCardiologistSurgical SpecialistOperations ManagerGeneral PractitionerBiologistBiological Scientist

Experience & Education

President Club Trip Award Winning Sales Professional
Greater Chicago Area
Medical Devices
Work history:
Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics - Central IllinoisSales RepresentativeJun 2009 - Nov 2011InVentiv Health - Champaign, ILHospital Sales Specialist (Contract)2008 - 2008

Abhishek Chatterjee Minneapolis, MN

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersStudent WorkerFounderFounding MemberChief ExecutiveAnimal DoctorVeterinariansAnimal Care GiverAnimal CaretakerBachelors DegreeSurvey ResearcherSurgical Specialist

Experience & Education

Founder at VETcetera
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Work history:
VETcetera FounderPhillips Park Zoo - Aurora, ILVeterinary AssistantJul 2012 - Jul 2012
Research, PowerPoint, Veterinary, Marketing, Microsoft Excel, Public Speaking, Mobile Technology,...
Bengali, Spanish
Safe-Capture International Certification, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Artificial Insemination Certification, ABS Global

Medical Sonographerss near Champaign, IL0714212835UrbanaCharlestonMahometMonticelloSaint JosephSavoyArthurTuscola

Medical Sonographerss around Champaign, IL

Arthur  (1)
Charleston  (2)
Mahomet  (1)
Monticello  (1)
Saint Joseph  (1)
Savoy  (1)
Tuscola  (1)
Urbana  (31)

Medical Sonographerss in Illinois