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Medical Sonographers in Wellesley, MA

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21 results found

Stephen Rowe Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6491657  Dec 10, 2002

Filed: May 21, 2001

Stephen Rowe (Wellesley, MA)
Joseph Kost (Omer, IS)
Samir S. Mitragotri (Cambridge, MA)
Michael Pishko (Bryan, TX)
Matthew Davis (Boston, MA)
09/861924 Sontra Medical, Inc. (Cambridge, MA)
International Classification: A61B 1720U.S. Classification: 604 22
Ultrasound enhancement of transdermal transport
Methods and devices for application of ultrasound to a small area of skin for enhancing transdermal ...
We claim: 1. A device for enhancing transdermal transport, comprising: an ultrasound transducer...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6475151  Nov 5, 2002

Filed: Apr 13, 2001

James D. Koger (Santa Cruz, CA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
09/835145 Scimed Life Systems, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61B 814U.S. Classification: 600459
Aerogel backed ultrasound transducer
An ultrasound transducer having an acoustic backing layer made of an aerogel material is disclosed. ...
What is claimed is: 1. A catheter comprising: an elongate tubular member; an ultrasound transducer...

Ivan Orlinsky Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersHospital Care ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerQuality EngineerCompliance EngineerComputer Software ProfessionalSoftware DevelopersInformation Technology SpecialistComputer SpecialistIT SpecialistQuality Assurance ProfessionalInspectorObject Manipulation Specialist

Experience & Education

Quality Assurance Engineer at Teratech Corporation
Quality Assurance Engineer
Greater Boston Area
Computer Software
Work history:
Teratech Corporation - Burlington, MAQuality Assurance Engineersince Jan 2013Philips Medical Systems - Andover, MAQuality Assurance EngineerAug 2012 - Dec 2012

Ariane Goerlich Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersNeedle TherapistPhysicianPhysical TherapistsAcupuncturistVeterinariansAnimal DoctorAnimal Care GiverAnimal CaretakerSurgeonSurgical SpecialistMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerGeneral PractitionerDirectorOperations ManagerSupporting MemberTeam MemberDoctor of Veterinary Medicine

Experience & Education

Emergency and Critical Care Veterinarian at Westford Veterinary Emergency and Referral Center
Emergency and Critical Care Veterinarian
Greater Boston Area
Work history:
Westford Veterinary Emergency and Referral Center - and Critical Care Veterinariansince Dec 2012Advanced Veterinary Care NH Emergency Emergency and Critical Care VeterinarianAug 2012 - Dec 2012
Emergency Medicine, Pain Management, Internal Medicine, Physical Therapy, Emergency Procedures,...
German , French , English

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7517346  Apr 14, 2009

Filed: Feb 8, 2005

Todd Sloan (Medway, MA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Jon T. McIntyre (Newton, MA)
11/053344 Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61B 18/14, A61B 8/12U.S. Classification: 606 41, 600439
Radio frequency ablation system with integrated ultrasound imaging
A tissue ablation system comprises a first electrode assembly adapted for insertion into a target...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8287472  Oct 16, 2012

Filed: Mar 29, 2010

Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Victor Shukhat (Canton, MA)
Jamie Li (Lexington, MA)
12/748964 Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61H 1/00U.S. Classification: 601 3
Ultrasound heater-agitator for thermal tissue treatment
A method and a device to deliver heat and mechanical agitation in a liquid with ultrasound. The...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5842994  Dec 1, 1998

Filed: Jul 2, 1997

Harm TenHoff (Mountain View, CA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
James D. Koger (Santa Cruz, CA)
8/886882 Boston Scientific Technology, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61B 800U.S. Classification: 600466
Multifunction intraluminal ultrasound catheter having a removable core with maximized transducer...
A multi-function intraluminal ultrasound catheter assembly includes an axially disposed lumen...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6847454  Jan 25, 2005

Filed: Oct 18, 2001

Robert J. Crowley (Sudbury, MA)
Louis J. Barbato (Franklin, MA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Mark D. Modell (Natick, MA)
10/020040 SciMed Life Systems, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: G01B 902U.S. Classification: 356479, 356497, 356502, 73657
Systems and methods for processing signals from an interferometer by an ultrasound console
An imaging system comprises an interferometer and an ultrasound console that processes signals from ...

Stephen Rowe Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6234990  May 22, 2001

Filed: Jun 30, 1997

Stephen Rowe (Wellesley, MA)
Joseph Kost (Omer, IL)
Samir S. Mitragotri (Cambridge, MA)
Michael Pishko (Bryan, TX)
Matthew Davis (Boston, MA)
8/885931 Sontra Medical, Inc. (Cambridge, MA)
International Classification: A61B 1720U.S. Classification: 604 22
Ultrasound enhancement of transdermal transport
Methods and devices for application of ultrasound to a small area of skin for enhancing...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6280388  Aug 28, 2001

Filed: Mar 30, 1998

James D. Koger (Santa Cruz, CA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
9/050543 Boston Scientific Technology, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61B 814U.S. Classification: 600459
Aerogel backed ultrasound transducer
An ultrasound transducer having an acoustic backing layer made of an aerogel material is...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2012002  Feb 2, 2012

Filed: Jul 6, 2011

Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Jianmin Li (Lexington, MA)
Tim Harrah (Cambridge, MA)
Jozef Slanda (Milford, MA)
13/177241 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC SCIMED, INC. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61F 2/04, B32B 37/14, B05D 5/00, B32B 38/10, B32B 37/02, C08G 18/00, B05D 3/00U.S. Classification: 600 37, 525452, 156 60, 427 224, 156256, 156293
An implant includes a substrate and a carrier coupled to the substrate. The carrier including a...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2006022  Oct 12, 2006

Filed: Apr 7, 2005

Jon Mcintyre (Newton, MA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Todd Sloan (Medway, MA)
Jeffrey Cheek (Hopkinton, MA)
International Classification: A61B 18/18U.S. Classification: 606041000
Ultrasound medical device and related methods of use
An embodiment of the invention includes providing a medical device including an elongate portion...

Issac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2001001  Aug 16, 2001

Filed: Apr 13, 2001

James Koger (Santa Cruz, CA)
Issac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
International Classification: A61B008/14U.S. Classification: 600/459000, 600/466000
Aerogel backed ultrasound transducer
An ultrasound transducer having an acoustic backing layer made of an aerogel material is disclosed. ...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2013001  Jan 10, 2013

Filed: Sep 10, 2012

Isaac OSTROVSKY (Wellesley, MA)
Victor Shukhat (Canton, MA)
Jamie Li (Lexington, MA)
International Classification: A61N 7/02U.S. Classification: 601 3
Ultrasound Heater-Agitator for Thermal Tissue Treatment
A device is for thermal treatment of tissue. The device includes (a) an elongated member extending...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2011007  Mar 31, 2011

Filed: Sep 16, 2010

Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
Russ Durgin (Bellingham, MA)
Theresa Durgin (Bellingham, MA)
International Classification: A61N 7/00U.S. Classification: 601 2
Embodiments of the invention include a device having an elongate section extending from a distal...

Isaac Ostrovsky Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6106474  Aug 22, 2000

Filed: Nov 19, 1997

James D. Koger (Santa Cruz, CA)
Isaac Ostrovsky (Wellesley, MA)
8/972962 Scimed Life Systems, Inc. (Maple Grove, MN)
International Classification: A61B 814U.S. Classification: 600459
Aerogel backed ultrasound transducer
An ultrasound transducer having an acoustic backing layer made of an aerogel material is...

Adam Laferriere Boston, MA

Professions & Specialties

Physician AssistantEKG TechnicianPhysicians AssistantElectrocardiograph OperatorMedical SonographersNurse PractitionerHospital Care ProfessionalPhysicianHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerGeneral PractitionerSurgical SpecialistEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonBiotechnology ProfessionalAssayerLaboratory ChemistChemical ProfessionalChemistResearcherSurvey ResearcherBiologistBiological ScientistHigh School Diploma

Experience & Education

Physician Assistant at Essex Inpatient Physicians
Physician Assistant with Essex Inpatient Physicians
Greater Boston Area
Medical Practice
Work history:
Essex Inpatient Physicians Physician Assistantsince Nov 2008Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center - Brighton, MAEKG Technician, Per DiemDec 2005 - Apr 2006
Hospitals, Inpatient, Treatment, ACLS, EKG, Healthcare, Medicine, Internal Medicine

Antoine Nahas Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerPhysicianMedical SonographersGeneral InternistGeneral Practitioner

Experience & Education


Ultrasound diagnostic sonographer
Ten ob/gyn and four internal medicine doctors
Dr. joseph azoury - private clinic
Chief diagnostic sonographer

George Taylor Wellesley, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6547734  Apr 15, 2003

Filed: Oct 30, 2001

Joseph R. Madsen (Newton, MA)
George A. Taylor (Wellesley, MA)
10/012774 Childrens Medical Center Corporation (Boston, MA)
International Classification: A61B 800U.S. Classification: 600438
Non-invasive in vivo pressure measurement
Apparatus and methods are disclosed for non-invasive measurement of blood velocity in otherwise...
What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for ultrasonically evaluating an in vivo pressure, the...

Ashish Naik San Francisco, CA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersHospital Care ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerMarketing ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentCounselorAdvisorEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonResearch AssistantResearcherSurvey ResearcherAuthorMarket Research AnalystBusiness ConsultantAnalystsBachelors DegreeComputer Software ProfessionalInformation Technology SpecialistData Entry SpecialistData ScientistSoftware DevelopersSoftware DeveloperIT SpecialistAutomotive SpecialistAutomotive Professional

Experience & Education

Market Intelligence Professional
San Francisco Bay Area
Work history:
Siemens Healthcare - Mountain View, CAMarketing Specialist (Consultant), Ultrasound Product Portfolio & StrategyDec 2011 - Feb 2012Babson College - Babson Park, MAResearch AssistantMay 2011 - Dec 2011
Marketing Research and Analysis, Business Intelligence, Pivot Tables, Financial Analysis, Business...

Susan Johnson Milford, CT

Professions & Specialties

Hospital Care ProfessionalSonographerMedical SonographersX-ray SpecialistRadiology WorkerHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerResearch AssociateClinical Research CoordinatorResearch SpecialistResearch ScientistResearcherSurvey ResearcherCounselorProject ManagerInvestigatorAdvisorSchool PrincipalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerBoard MemberProject ManagersManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonSurgical SpecialistMedical Practice ProfessionalMedical PractitionerFamily PractitionerGeneral PractitionerRadiation Therapy SpecialistIndustrial Engineer

Experience & Education

Clinical Research Associate at Vertiflex
Milford, Connecticut
Work history:
BioVentures Investors - Wellesley, MAConsultant/Study Project ManagerJun 2011 - Oct 2012Lakeshore Medical Device Consulting - Newbury, New HampshirePart-Time Sub-ContractorJun 2011 - Jun 2012
Clinical Research, Clinical Trials, Surgery, Hospitals, Healthcare, Medicine, Cardiology, Vascular, ...
Radiologic Technologist, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Medical Sonographerss near Wellesley, MA02254506759001,125BostonCambridgeBrooklineLexingtonNewtonSomervilleWalthamFraminghamBedfordWayland

Medical Sonographerss around Wellesley, MA

Arlington  (13)
Bedford  (18)
Belmont  (7)
Boston  (1,122)
Brookline  (38)
Cambridge  (73)
Canton  (5)
Dedham  (3)
Framingham  (20)
Holliston  (1)
Lexington  (32)
Medfield  (14)
Medford  (11)
Natick  (14)
Needham  (7)
Newton  (31)
Norfolk  (2)
Norwood  (7)
Sherborn  (1)
Somerville  (24)
Walpole  (5)
Waltham  (20)
Watertown  (12)
Wayland  (16)
Winchester  (12)

Medical Sonographerss in Massachusetts