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Patient Support Representatives in Rogue River, OR

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1 result found

Robin Watts Rogue River, OR

Professions & Specialties

NurseHealth Information ManagerNurse PractitionerHealth Services AdministratorMedical Services ManagerHealth Services ManagerManagerOperations Manager

Experience & Education


United healthcare-texas starplus - Houston, TX
Rn prior-authorization/medicare and medicaid
United healthcare - Prescott Valley, AZ
Rn prior-authorization/case manager


Excellent computer skills and proficiency working software programs.

Patient Support Representatives near Rogue River, OR0510152025MedfordRoseburgGrants PassSutherlinAshlandProspectSmith RiverWinstonMontagueTalent

Patient Support Representatives around Rogue River, OR

Ashland  (2)
Grants Pass  (6)
Medford  (21)
Montague  (1)
Prospect  (1)
Roseburg  (13)
Smith River  (1)
Sutherlin  (3)
Talent  (1)
Winston  (1)

Patient Support Representatives in Oregon
