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Program Assistants in Farmville, VA

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1 result found

Logan Jones Clarksville, VA

Professions & Specialties

Program AssistantCertified Nurse AideAdministrative Medical AssistantMedical Support AssistantHealth Support WorkerHealthcare SupportStudent WorkerNurseNurse PractitionerSports TrainerSports TrainersTrainerApprenticeVolunteerNon-ProfitRefereeJudgeBachelor of Science

Experience & Education

Marketing/Promotions Graduate Assistant at Longwood Lancers
Clarksville, Virginia
Work history:
Longwood Lancers - Farmville, VAMarketing/Promotions Graduate Assistantsince Dec 2012Bluestone High School - Skipwith, VAAssistant Girl's Soccer CoachDec 2011 - May 2012
USSF "D" Coaching License, United States Soccer Federation
NSCAA Level VI Coaching Diploma, National Soccer Coaching Association of America

Program Assistants near Farmville, VA01938577695CharlottesvilleLynchburgScottsvilleSkipwithSaxeClarksvilleFordBlackstoneAlbertaPowhatan

Program Assistants around Farmville, VA

Alberta  (1)
Blackstone  (1)
Clarksville  (1)
Ford  (1)
Fork Union  (1)
Lynchburg  (23)
Moseley  (1)
Powhatan  (1)
Saxe  (1)
Scottsville  (1)
Skipwith  (1)

Program Assistants in Virginia


Program Assistant  (1)