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Recreational Therapists in Corolla, NC

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Here is a complete directory of nearly all available Recreational Therapists in Corolla, NC.

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2 results found

Katie Casey Corolla, NC

Professions & Specialties

CaregiverNursing AssistantSupervisorsArt TherapistPsychology SpecialistStudent WorkerRecreational TherapistTherapeutic Recreation SpecialistPhysical TherapistsTutorSpecial Education ProfessionalSecondary Education ProfessorEducation TeacherSpecial Education ProfessorsModeratorApprenticeVolunteerAdvisorNon-ProfitClinical PsychologistPsychologistModelManagerOperations ManagerBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education

ABA Tutor at OBX Autism Behavior Therapy
Corolla, North Carolina
Mental Health Care
Work history:
OBX Autism Behavior Therapy - Currituck, North Carolina and the Outer BanksABA Tutorsince Mar 2013Private Family - Burke, VAPersonal Caregiver for child with special needsOct 2011 - Dec 2012

Elizabeth Holt Richmond, VA

Professions & Specialties

Art TherapistPsychology SpecialistRecreational TherapistTherapeutic Recreation SpecialistPhysical TherapistsMental Health Care ProfessionalBehavioral ConsultantCounselorAdvisorAdministrative Law AttorneyOf CounselJuristLegal CounselChief Administrative OfficerChief ExecutiveSports Trainers

Experience & Education

Psychotherapist at Cumberland Hospital, Clinical and Administrative Consultant at Williamsville...
Psychotherapist and Clinical Consultant
Richmond, Virginia Area
Mental Health Care
Work history:
Cumberland Hospital - New Kent, VirginiaPsychotherapistsince Jun 2012Williamsville Wellness - Hanover, VirginiaClinical and Administrative Consultantsince Oct 2008

Recreational Therapists near Corolla, NC01326395265NorfolkVirginia BeachHamptonChesapeakePortsmouthSuffolkElizabeth City

Recreational Therapists around Corolla, NC

Hampton  (8)
Norfolk  (61)
Portsmouth  (5)
Suffolk  (2)

Recreational Therapists in North Carolina
