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Sonographers in Arlington, MA

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13 results found

Peter Chang Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6638226  Oct 28, 2003

Filed: Sep 28, 2001

Xingbai He (Waltham, MA)
Peter P. Chang (Arlington, MA)
Eric R. Kischell (Pepperell, MA)
Alice M. Chiang (Weston, MA)
09/966810 TeraTech Corporation (Burlington, MA)
International Classification: A61B 800U.S. Classification: 600443, 600447
Ultrasound imaging system
The present invention is directed to an ultrasound imaging system and method for Doppler processing ...
What is claimed: 1. A portable ultrasound system for scanning a region of interest with ultrasound...

Jacquelyn Byron Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2007009  Apr 26, 2007

Filed: Jun 7, 2004

Jacquelyn Byron (Arlington, MA)
10/559213 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (Eindhoven)
International Classification: A61B 8/00U.S. Classification: 600437000
Ultrasound system for internal imaging including control mechanism in a handle
Ultrasound systems for imaging internal structure of a patient including a probe () having a handle ...

Michael Pishko Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5947921  Sep 7, 1999

Filed: Dec 18, 1995

Mark E. Johnson (Allston, MA)
Samir S. Mitragotri (Cambridge, MA)
Daniel Blankschtein (Brookline, MA)
Robert S. Langer (Newton, MA)
Michael Pishko (Arlington, MA)
Joseph Kost (Omer, IL)
8/574377 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
International Classification: A61B 1700U.S. Classification: 604 22
Chemical and physical enhancers and ultrasound for transdermal drug delivery
Transdermal transport of molecules during sonophoresis (delivery or extraction) can be further...

Jacquelyn Byron Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2008021  Sep 4, 2008

Filed: Jun 15, 2006

Rodney J. Solomon (Lowell, MA)
Jacquelyn Byron (Arlington, MA)
Heather Knowles (Devens, MA)
International Classification: A61B 8/00U.S. Classification: 600459
Optimized Temperature Measurement in an Ultrasound Transducer
There is provided a medical ultrasound transducer () and a medical ultrasound imaging system...

Jacquelyn Byron Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2007023  Oct 11, 2007

Filed: Apr 4, 2005

Heather Knowles (Devens, MA)
Jacquelyn Byron (Arlington, MA)
International Classification: A61B 8/00, H04R 17/00U.S. Classification: 600459000, 310334000, 367140000
Ultrasound Probes with Improved Electrical Isolation
Ultrasound probe () with improved electrical isolation including a housing (), a sensor assembly () ...

Jacquelyn Byron Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2005016  Jul 28, 2005

Filed: Jan 21, 2005

Heather Knowles (Devens, MA)
Jacquelyn Byron (Arlington, MA)
International Classification: A61B008/14U.S. Classification: 600459000
Acoustic window for ultrasound probes
Acoustic window for an ultrasound probe including a layer of PEBAX™ having a surface adapted to...

Robert Carter Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5695460  Dec 9, 1997

Filed: May 15, 1995

Robert J. Siegel (Venice, CA)
Robert E. Carter (Arlington, MA)
8/441127 Coraje, Inc. (San Francisco, CA)
International Classification: A61N 130U.S. Classification: 604 21
Enhancement of ultrasound thrombolysis
Apparatus and methods are provided for utilizing a combination of ultrasonic energy and an echo...

Jacquelyn Byron Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2005016  Jul 28, 2005

Filed: Jan 21, 2005

Jacquelyn Byron (Arlington, MA)
Heather Knowles (Devens, MA)
International Classification: A61B008/14U.S. Classification: 600459000
Transducer assembly for ultrasound probes
Transducer assembly for an ultrasound probe including a transducer array having transducer elements ...

Robert Carter Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5509896  Apr 23, 1996

Filed: Sep 9, 1994

Robert E. Carter (Arlington, MA)
8/303858 Coraje, Inc. (San Francisco, CA)
International Classification: A61N 130U.S. Classification: 604 21
Enhancement of thrombolysis with external ultrasound
Apparatus and methods are provided for enhancing the thrombolytic action of a thrombolytic agent...

Dennis Lamser Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

Medical SonographersSoftware TesterComputer Specialist

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6352512  Mar 5, 2002

Filed: Mar 26, 1999

Kevin E. Wilson (Cambridge, MA)
Donald Barry (Norwood, MA)
Dennis G. Lamser (Arlington, MA)
John P. OBrien (Brighton, MA)
Jay A. Stein (Boston, MA)
09/277838 Hologic, Inc. (Bedford, MA)
International Classification: A61B 800U.S. Classification: 600449
Bone analysis apparatus and method for calibration and quality assurance of an ultrasonic bone...
A method of calibrating an ultrasound bone analysis apparatus having a pair of transducer...
What is claimed is: 1. A transducer assembly for use in an ultrasound bone analysis apparatus, said ...

Robert Carter Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersCardiologistSurgical SpecialistDriversAgentSales Representative

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6478765  Nov 12, 2002

Filed: Nov 9, 1998

Robert J. Siegel (Venice, CA)
Robert E. Carter (Arlington, MA)
09/188124 Transon, LLC (San Francisco, CA)
International Classification: A61B 1720U.S. Classification: 604 22
Apparatus for removing thrombosis
Apparatus and methods are provided for utilizing a combination of ultrasonic energy and an echo...
What is claimed is: 1. Apparatus for removal of a thrombosis, said apparatus comprising: a fistula...

Andrew Draudt Arlington, MA

Professions & Specialties

SonographerMedical SonographersSenior Design EngineerHead EngineerEngineering ManagerCounselorAdvisorProject EngineerEngineering SpecialistResearcherSurvey ResearcherBachelor of ScienceDoctor of PhilosophySoftware DeveloperSoftware DevelopersSystems AdministratorComputer Systems Administrator

Experience & Education


Aerodyne research
Aerodyne research - Billerica, MA
Senior engineer


Interdisciplinary research and development in physics, electrical engineering and...

Montana Brown Staten Island, NY

Professions & Specialties

Student WorkerMedical SonographersAnimal DoctorVeterinariansAnimal Care GiverAnimal CaretakerSurgeonSurgical SpecialistEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonApprenticeTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education

Tech Assistant at Bay Street Animal Hospital
Staten Island, New York
Work history:
Bay Street Animal Hospital - 999 Bay Street, Staten Island, NYVeterinary AssistantMay 2012 - Jun 2013Staten Island Zoo - 614 Broadway, Staten Island, NYIntern at Animal HospitalJun 2012 - Aug 2012

Sonographers near Arlington, MA02134266398521,065BostonCambridgeWoburnBrooklineLexingtonNewtonBurlingtonSomervilleWalthamWinchester

Sonographers around Arlington, MA

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Sonographers in Massachusetts
