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Ultrasonographers in Oak Creek, WI

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10 results found

Amanda Winquist Milwaukee, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical SonographersMedicine ProfessionalHealthcare PractitionerVeterinary TechnicianAnimal DoctorVeterinarian AssistantVeterinariansAnimal Care GiverAnimal CaretakerVolunteerNon-ProfitSurgeonSurgical SpecialistOrganization ManagementTeam MemberTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonOperations ManagerCommunity Service Manager

Experience & Education

Veterinary Assistant at Saukville Veterinary Clinic, Volunteer at Wisconsin Humane Society, Ozaukee ...
Veterinary Technician Assistant
Greater Milwaukee Area
Environmental Services
Work history:
Saukville Veterinary Clinic - Saukville, WIVeterinary Assistantsince Jan 2013Wisconsin Humane Society, Ozaukee Campus - Saukville, WIVolunteersince Dec 2012
..technicians with digital x-rays and ultrasound procedures

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6980419  Dec 27, 2005

Filed: Mar 12, 2003

Scott F. Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Michael E. Hayden (Saratoga, CA)
Ian Felix (Los Gatos, CA)
Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Glen McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
10/389356 ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: G06F001/16U.S. Classification: 361681, 361679
Portable ultrasound unit and docking station
A portable ultrasound unit and docking cart for the unit are provided. When the portable unit is...

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7352570  Apr 1, 2008

Filed: Oct 20, 2005

Scott F Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Michael E Hayden (Saratoga, CA)
Ian Felix (Los Gatos, CA)
Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Glen McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
11/255520 ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: H05K 5/00U.S. Classification: 361686, 361681, 600437
Portable ultrasound unit and docking station
A portable ultrasound unit and docking cart for the unit are provided. When the portable unit is...

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8357094  Jan 22, 2013

Filed: May 5, 2011

Larry Y. L. Mo (San Ramon, CA)
Glen W. McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
Brian Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Ting-Lan Ji (San Jose, CA)
Ching-Hua Chou (Mountain View, CA)
David J. Napolitano (Pleasanton, CA)
Kathy S. Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Thomas Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Kurt Sandstrom (San Jose, CA)
Feng Yin (Palo Alto, CA)
Scott Franklin Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Wenkang Qi (Cupertino, CA)
Robert Stanson (LaSalle, CA)
13/101990 Zonare Medical Systems Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: A61B 8/00U.S. Classification: 600438, 600407, 600437, 600439, 600443
Ultrasound imaging system parameter optimization via fuzzy logic
An ultrasound scanner is equipped with one or more fuzzy control units that can perform adaptive...

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2008005  Mar 6, 2008

Filed: Aug 20, 2007

Scott Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Michael Hayden (Saratoga, CA)
Ian Felix (Los Gatos, CA)
Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Glen McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
11/894757 ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: G06F 1/16U.S. Classification: 361679000
Portable ultrasound unit and docking station
A portable ultrasound unit and docking cart for the unit are provided. When the portable unit is...

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#2010018  Jul 29, 2010

Filed: Nov 30, 2009

Larry Y.L. Mo (San Ramon, CA)
Glen W. McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
Brian Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Ting-Lan Ji (San Jose, CA)
Ching-Hua Chou (Mountain View, CA)
David J. Napolitano (Pleasanton, CA)
Kathy S. Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Thomas Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Kurt Sandstrom (San Jose, CA)
Feng Yin (Palo Alto, CA)
Scott Franklin Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Wenkang Qi (Cupertino, CA)
Robert Stanson (LaSalle, Manitoba, CA)
12/628169 Zonare Medical Systems Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: A61B 8/14, G06T 7/00U.S. Classification: 382131, 600443
Ultrasound Imaging System Parameter Optimization Via Fuzzy Logic
An ultrasound scanner is equipped with one or more fuzzy control units that can perform adaptive...

Scott Smith Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

UltrasonographerSonographerMedical Sonographers

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#7627386  Dec 1, 2009

Filed: Oct 7, 2004

Larry Y. L. Mo (San Ramon, CA)
Glen W. McLaughlin (Saratoga, CA)
Brian Derek DeBusschere (Orinda, CA)
Ting-Lan Ji (San Jose, CA)
Ching-Hua Chou (Mountain View, CA)
David J. Napolitano (Pleasanton, CA)
Kathy S. Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Thomas Jedrzejewicz (Austin, TX)
Kurt Sandstrom (San Jose, CA)
Feng Yin (Palo Alto, CA)
Scott Franklin Smith (Oak Creek, WI)
Wenkang Qi (Cupertino, CA)
Robert Stanson (LaSalle, CA)
10/961709 Zonaire Medical Systems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
International Classification: G05B 13/02U.S. Classification: 700 50, 600437, 600443, 600457, 600441
Ultrasound imaging system parameter optimization via fuzzy logic
An ultrasound scanner is equipped with one or more fuzzy control units that can perform adaptive...

Jodi Emmons Milwaukee, WI

Professions & Specialties

SonographerMedical SonographersPsychology SpecialistSales ManagerSales DirectorManaging PartnerPartnerChief ExecutiveTraining and Coaching ProfessionalProfessional Development TeacherRecognitionChief Administrative OfficerMarketing ManagerOperations ManagerRepresentativeAdvisorProduction Control ClerkLab AssistantAssayerLaboratory ChemistChemical ProfessionalChemistPsychologistAccounts ReceivableHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentBachelor of Business AdministrationConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkField Marketing SpecialistMarketing AdministratorTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education

Sales Manager at Transport Logistics, Inc.
Sales Manager at Transport Logistics
Greater Milwaukee Area
Professional Training & Coaching
Work history:
Transport Logistics, Inc. Sales ManagerExpress Employment Professionals - 4915 S. Howell Ave., Ste. 502 Milwaukee, WI 53207Managing Partner - MilwaukeeJul 2011 - Nov 2012
Ultrasound Division

Chris Kubicek Milwaukee, WI

Professions & Specialties

SonographerMedical SonographersProject EngineerStaff EngineerEngineering SpecialistProfessional EngineerCoordinatorManagersConsumer Goods ProfessionalEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentCommodities ClerkDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales AgentAutomotive ProfessionalIT Specialist

Experience & Education

Lead Development Engineer at SC Johnson
Lead Development Engineer
Greater Milwaukee Area
Consumer Goods
Work history:
SC Johnson - Racine, WiLead Development Engineersince 2003Cardiac Science Corporation - Deerfield, WIStaff Engineer2002 - 2003
Wine Maker, Running, Beekeeping, P90X, Automotive Restoration, Sailing, Racing, Gardening, Fishing, ...
First US 40KHz Ultrasound technology

Gina Cass Oak Creek, WI

Professions & Specialties

SonographerSurgical TechnicianMedical SonographersSurgical TechnologistHealthcare SupportRadiology WorkerElectrocardiograph Operator

Experience & Education


Imaging center
Sonographer/surgical tech
Columbia st. mary's - Milwaukee, WI
Sonographer/surgical tech

Ultrasonographers near Oak Creek, WI0112224336448560MilwaukeeWaukeshaBrookfieldMenomonee FallsPewaukeeThiensvilleMuskegoKenoshaHales CornersGrafton

Ultrasonographers around Oak Creek, WI

Bristol  (1)
Brookfield  (45)
Cudahy  (1)
Elm Grove  (2)
Grafton  (5)
Kenosha  (9)
Milwaukee  (559)
Muskego  (11)
Pewaukee  (22)
Racine  (3)
Thiensville  (13)
Waterford  (1)
Waukesha  (208)

Ultrasonographers in Wisconsin


Ultrasonographer  (10)