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Burners in Fville, NY

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5 results found

Daniel Clark Fville, NY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4952492  Aug 28, 1990

Filed: Jan 22, 1990

Daniel R. Clark (Fayetteville, NY)
Ian M. Shapiro (Syracuse, NY)
David A. Lindstrand (Minoa, NY)
7/468445 Carrier Corporation (Syracuse, NY)
International Classification: F23D 1400U.S. Classification: 431 89
Method and apparatus for modulating a radiant infrared burner
A method and apparatus for modulating the surface area of a radiant infrared burner over which...

Daniel Clark Fville, NY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5112217  May 12, 1992

Filed: Aug 20, 1990

Chester D. Ripka (E. Syracuse, NY)
Daniel R. Clark (Fayetteville, NY)
7/557355 Carrier Corporation (Syracuse, NY)
International Classification: F23N 300U.S. Classification: 431 12
Method and apparatus for controlling fuel-to-air ratio of the combustible gas supply of a radiant...
In a heating appliance employing a radiant burner, a method and apparatus for setting the ratio of ...

Daniel Clark Fville, NY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5037291  Aug 6, 1991

Filed: Jul 25, 1990

Daniel R. Clark (Fayetteville, NY)
7/557240 Carrier Corporation (Syracuse, NY)
International Classification: F23N 300U.S. Classification: 431 12
Method and apparatus for optimizing fuel-to-air ratio in the combustible gas supply of a radiant...
A method and apparatus to optimize the proportion of gaseous fuel and air supplied to a radiant...

J. Menter Fville, NY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4611986  Sep 16, 1986

Filed: May 24, 1985

J. Alan Menter (Fayetteville, NY)
Gerald A. Menter (Jamesville, NY)
6/737544 Hollowick Inc. (Manlius, NY)
International Classification: F23D 324U.S. Classification: 431320
Disposable liquid fuel burner
A die cut wick for use in a burner having a rectangular body that contains two half sections that...

J. Menter Fville, NY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4526530  Jul 2, 1985

Filed: Mar 28, 1984

J. Alan Menter (Fayetteville, NY)
Gerald A. Menter (Jamesville, NY)
6/594336 Hollowick, Inc. (Manlius, NY)
International Classification: F23Q 2500U.S. Classification: 431 34
Burner for liquid candle
A burner for a liquid candle having a hollow stud containing a wick. Primary and secondary venting...

Burners near Fville, NY03691215SyracuseManliusLiverpoolClayEast SyracuseCiceroSkaneatelesKirkvilleMinoa

Burners around Fville, NY

Cicero  (2)
Clay  (4)
Kirkville  (1)
Liverpool  (5)
Manlius  (7)
Minoa  (1)
Skaneateles  (2)
Syracuse  (15)

Burners in New York