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Construction Managers in Wellston, OH

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5 results found

Stephen Sprague Wellston, OH

Professions & Specialties

Construction ManagerForemanConstruction AdministratorTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsBachelor of ScienceProject Managers

Experience & Education


Mastec - Nashville, TN
Senior construction manager
Goodman networks - Little Rock, AR
Lead crews throughout arkansas market

David Akers Wellston, OH

Professions & Specialties

ForemanConstruction AdministratorConstruction ManagerHouse CleanerHousekeeping AideCleaning Worker

Experience & Education


Advance auto parts
Sales, delivery, inventory, housekeeping
Akers automotive
Shop foreman


Manufacturing maintenance experience, mig and stick welding, hydraulics, pneumatics, AC & DC...

Kenneth Moore Wellston, OH

Professions & Specialties

TechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Sands hill mining, llc - Hamden, OH
Lead maintenance technician
Exline surveying, inc - Jackson, OH
Crew chief - surveying


General Management , Supply Management, Inventory Management , Expense Control, Employee...

Stephanie Dudley Minneapolis, MN

Professions & Specialties

Construction ManagerProgram DirectorOperations ManagerConsumer Goods ProfessionalCommodities ClerkBusiness ManagerTraderCapital Markets ProfessionalFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales AgentPhilanthropeNon-ProfitManagersBachelor of ScienceMaster of Business AdministrationSoftware EngineerSoftware Developers

Experience & Education

Program Manager at General Mills
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Consumer Goods
Work history:
General Mills - Wellston, OHProgram Managersince Sep 2013General Mills - Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul AreaOperations Business ManagerNov 2011 - Aug 2013

Burris Wollsieffer Burnsville, MN

Professions & Specialties

Maintenance ManagerConstruction SpecialistConstruction LaborerConstruction ManagerBusiness Development ManagerPlant ManagerOperations ManagerProduction ManagerLeaderManagersProduction DirectorSupervisorControllerCaptainMaster of Business AdministrationBachelor of Science

Experience & Education


Natalie's orchid island juice company
Chief business officer
Quality ingredients corporation - Burnsville, MN
Plant manager

Construction Managers near Wellston, OH0714212835LancasterChillicotheShadeCirclevilleLoganPortsmouthWheelersburgLucasvillePiketonJackson

Construction Managers around Wellston, OH

Apple Grove  (1)
Beaver  (6)
Bidwell  (2)
Cheshire  (1)
Chillicothe  (30)
Circleville  (13)
Coalton  (1)
Crown City  (2)
Hartford  (1)
Henderson  (1)
Jackson  (9)
Kingston  (3)
Kitts Hill  (1)
Lancaster  (35)
Laurelville  (5)
Letart  (1)
Logan  (13)
Londonderry  (1)
Lucasville  (10)
Middleport  (2)
Minford  (5)
Murray City  (2)
Nelsonville  (4)
Oak Hill  (2)
Piketon  (9)
Portsmouth  (12)
Ray  (1)
Russell  (3)
Scottown  (1)
Shade  (17)
Stoutsville  (2)
Sugar Grove  (2)
Syracuse  (1)
The Plains  (5)
Thurman  (1)
Waterloo  (2)
Wheelersburg  (11)
Willow Wood  (1)
Worthington  (2)
Zaleski  (1)

Construction Managers in Ohio