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Construction Professionals in Bowling Green, KY

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12 results found

Gregory Sibalich Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5899684  May 4, 1999

Filed: Jul 11, 1997

Hugh W. McCoy (Bowling Green, KY)
Gregory L. Sibalich (Bowling Green, KY)
8/893919 DESA International, Inc. (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23N 508U.S. Classification: 431 79
Power phase regulator circuit improvement, motor start switch, self-adjusting preheat and ignition ...
A fuel oil burner utilizing a hot surface ignition with an ignitor that is fully sintered and has...

Hugh Mccoy Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction ProfessionalController

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6099295  Aug 8, 2000

Filed: Mar 3, 1999

Hugh W. McCoy (Bowling Green, KY)
Gregory L. Sibalich (Bowling Green, KY)
9/262170 DESA International, Inc. (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23N 508U.S. Classification: 431 79
Power phase regulator circuit improvement motor start switch self-adjusting preheat and ignition...
A fuel oil burner utilizing a hot surface ignition with an ignitor that is fully sintered and has...

Hugh Mccoy Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5899684  May 4, 1999

Filed: Jul 11, 1997

Hugh W. McCoy (Bowling Green, KY)
Gregory L. Sibalich (Bowling Green, KY)
8/893919 DESA International, Inc. (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23N 508U.S. Classification: 431 79
Power phase regulator circuit improvement, motor start switch, self-adjusting preheat and ignition ...
A fuel oil burner utilizing a hot surface ignition with an ignitor that is fully sintered and has...

Gregory Sibalich Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction ProfessionalController

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6099295  Aug 8, 2000

Filed: Mar 3, 1999

Hugh W. McCoy (Bowling Green, KY)
Gregory L. Sibalich (Bowling Green, KY)
9/262170 DESA International, Inc. (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23N 508U.S. Classification: 431 79
Power phase regulator circuit improvement motor start switch self-adjusting preheat and ignition...
A fuel oil burner utilizing a hot surface ignition with an ignitor that is fully sintered and has...

Hugh Mccoy Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction ProfessionalController

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5567144  Oct 22, 1996

Filed: Oct 5, 1995

Hugh W. McCoy (Bowling Green, KY)
8/538988 Desa International Inc. (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23N 508U.S. Classification: 431 79
Hot surface ignition controller for fuel oil burner
A fuel oil burner utilizing a hot surface ignition with an ignitor that is fully sintered and has...

Eric Kaltenmark Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6192913  Feb 27, 2001

Filed: Jul 16, 1998

John R. Willey (Bowling Green, KY)
Eric M. Kaltenmark (Bowling Green, KY)
Ricky J. Fielder (Bowling Green, KY)
9/116517 DESA International (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23D 1472, F23N 510, F23Q 908U.S. Classification: 137 66
Gas valve for pilotless gas burner
A control valve assembly for a pilotless gas burner in which the valve has a gas inlet port and a...

John Willey Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6192913  Feb 27, 2001

Filed: Jul 16, 1998

John R. Willey (Bowling Green, KY)
Eric M. Kaltenmark (Bowling Green, KY)
Ricky J. Fielder (Bowling Green, KY)
9/116517 DESA International (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23D 1472, F23N 510, F23Q 908U.S. Classification: 137 66
Gas valve for pilotless gas burner
A control valve assembly for a pilotless gas burner in which the valve has a gas inlet port and a...

Ricky Fielder Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6192913  Feb 27, 2001

Filed: Jul 16, 1998

John R. Willey (Bowling Green, KY)
Eric M. Kaltenmark (Bowling Green, KY)
Ricky J. Fielder (Bowling Green, KY)
9/116517 DESA International (Bowling Green, KY)
International Classification: F23D 1472, F23N 510, F23Q 908U.S. Classification: 137 66
Gas valve for pilotless gas burner
A control valve assembly for a pilotless gas burner in which the valve has a gas inlet port and a...

Devin Dewitt Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction ProfessionalAdministrative AssociateAdministrative ClerkClerical SpecialistPremierGovernment Service ExecutiveGovernment Administration OfficerCivil Servant

Experience & Education


Premier radiology, kevin burner
Administrative assistant
Christian health center - Bowling Green, KY
Internship - healthcare administration

Brandon Peay Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

TechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support Specialists

Experience & Education


Trace die cast
Maintenance technician


ABB Robotics, PLC's, Buhler die casting Datanet and Dataspeed controls, Schaefer furnace burner...

William Barnes Bowling Green, KY

Professions & Specialties

Construction WorkerConstruction SpecialistConstruction LaborerForklift OperatorLaborerLift DriverHoist OperatorIndustrial OperatorFork Lift Driver

Experience & Education


Bendix spicer foundation llc - Bowling Green, KY
Forklift operator
Stewart richey construction - Bowling Green, KY

Baiyun Gong Chicago, IL

Professions & Specialties

Construction ProfessionalDirectorOperations ManagerProject ManagersProject ManagerTechnical Support SpecialistSystems Support SpecialistSupport SpecialistsEquipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonDoctor of PhilosophyBachelor of ScienceMaster of ScienceResearcherSurvey Researcher

Experience & Education

Director of Technology at LP Amina
Greater Chicago Area
Environmental Services
Work history:
LP Amina - Greater Chicago AreaDirector of Technologysince Jun 2013Nalco Company - Greater Chicago AreaStaff ScientistFeb 2009 - Apr 2013
Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Biomass, Combustion, CFD, ANSYS, Engineering, Power Generation,...

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