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Construction Professionals in Franklin, TN

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6 results found

William Ferlin Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6736631  May 18, 2004

Filed: Mar 11, 2002

William J. Ferlin (Franklin, TN)
Samuel D. Hawkins (Lebanon, OH)
10/094683 Mueller Industries, Inc. (Memphis, TN)
International Classification: F24C 310U.S. Classification: 431266, 126 39 E
Sealed gas burner
A sealed gas burner for a cooking range has a venturi tube assembly which is attached directly to a ...
What is claimed is: 1. A gas burner assembly for a cooking range having a range top, said gas...

Rodney Syler Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#8596226  Dec 3, 2013

Filed: Apr 28, 2009

Marcus E. McAnally (Nashville, TN)
Duane A. Lee (Johnson City, TN)
Rodney R. Syler (Franklin, TN)
Emadeddin Y. Tanbour (Johnson City, TN)
Mark A. Murphy (Nashville, TN)
12/431525 AOS Holding Company (Wilmington, DE)
International Classification: F24H 1/18, F24H 9/12, F16L 5/00U.S. Classification: 122 171, 122498, 2851391, 2851411
Water heater burner tube and door assembly
A burner tube and door assembly for a water heater includes a burner tube and a fuel supply line in ...

William Ferlin Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5829425  Nov 3, 1998

Filed: Feb 16, 1996

Garry Wayne Woods (Heiskell, TN)
William L. Hillis (Lawrenceburg, TN)
William J. Ferlin (Franklin, TN)
Anthony W. Simpson (Jacksboro, TN)
8/602397 Lincoln Brass Works, Inc. (Jacksboro, TN)
International Classification: F24C 300U.S. Classification: 126 39E
Integral burner control and manifold
A gas range includes a gas distribution system which incorporates a multi-chambered gas manifold....

Robert Cabrera Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6126436  Oct 3, 2000

Filed: Aug 31, 1998

Robert E. Cabrera (Franklin, TN)
Terry E. Hill (Murfreesboro, TN)
9/144378 International Comfort Products Corporation (USA) (Nashville, TN)
International Classification: F23D 1412U.S. Classification: 431114
Sound enhancing burner enclosure for furnace
An enclosure surrounding the burner of a furnace, including a top panel, a rear panel, a bottom...

William Ferlin Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5964214  Oct 12, 1999

Filed: Apr 29, 1996

William J. Ferlin (Franklin, TN)
Bryan K. Cofer (Oakridge, TN)
Anthony W. Simpson (Jacksboro, TN)
Gary E. Berry (LaFollette, TN)
Nelson G. Mayer (Rochester, MI)
8/641002 Lincoln Brass Works, Inc. (Nashville, TN)
Sibley Industries, Inc. (Andereson, MO)
International Classification: F24C 304U.S. Classification: 126 92B
Radiant gas burner assembly for brooders
A gas burner assembly for a brooding house has a gas burner which is fabricated from a precision...

William Ferlin Franklin, TN

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5836296  Nov 17, 1998

Filed: Sep 24, 1996

William L. Hillis (Lawrenceburg, TN)
Garry Wayne Woods (Heiskell, TN)
Gary E. Berry (La Follette, TN)
William J. Ferlin (Franklin, TN)
8/710965 Lincoln Brass Works, Inc. (Nashville, TN)
International Classification: F24C 300U.S. Classification: 126 39G
Manifold with integral burner control and oven control
A gas range includes a gas distribution system which utilizes a gas manifold that includes a...

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