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Construction Professionals in Oak Lawn, IL

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5 results found

Charl Stohre Oak Lawn, IL

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4055132  Oct 25, 1977

Filed: Mar 18, 1976

Charl Stohre (Hickory Hills, IL)
Norman M. Huff (Chicago, IL)
Leonard J. Micinski (Mishawaka, IN)
5/668294 Harper-Wyman Company (Hinsdale, IL)
International Classification: B21D 2810U.S. Classification: 113116EE
Method of forming ports in a fuel burner
A method of forming ports in a fuel burner wherein the ports are formed in a single stroke...

Charles Stohrer Oak Lawn, IL

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4626196  Dec 2, 1986

Filed: Sep 23, 1985

Charles E. Stohrer (Hickory Hills, IL)
6/779646 Harper-Wyman Company (Hinsdale, IL)
International Classification: F23Q 300U.S. Classification: 431264
Spark ignited gas burner
A gas burner assembly includes a metal burner body with main burner ports formed in a sidewall...

Charles Stohrer Oak Lawn, IL

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4055132  Oct 25, 1977

Filed: Mar 18, 1976

Charles E. Stohrer (Hickory Hills, IL)
Norman M. Huff (Chicago, IL)
Leonard J. Micinski (Mishawaka, IN)
5/668294 Harper-Wyman Company (Hinsdale, IL)
International Classification: B21D 2810U.S. Classification: 113116EE
Method of forming ports in a fuel burner
A method of forming ports in a fuel burner wherein the ports are formed in a single stroke...

Charl Stohre Oak Lawn, IL

Professions & Specialties

BurnerConstruction Professional

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4626196  Dec 2, 1986

Filed: Sep 23, 1985

Charl Stohre (Hickory Hills, IL)
6/779646 Harper-Wyman Company (Hinsdale, IL)
International Classification: F23Q 300U.S. Classification: 431264
Spark ignited gas burner
A gas burner assembly includes a metal burner body with main burner ports formed in a sidewall...

Todd Summerville Oak Lawn, IL

Professions & Specialties

Construction ProfessionalConstruction ManagerMaterial HandlerLaborerOwnerChief ExecutiveProject ManagersNetwork Administrator

Experience & Education


Material handler
Small business owner


PMI PMP (Familiar), Progressive Elaboration, SoftPlan Release 10 to 14, Scheduling / Compression,...

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