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Drywall Workers in Merced, CA

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1 result found

Fidel Buendia Merced, CA

Professions & Specialties

Drywall ApplicatorDrywall WorkerWallboard InstallerDiploma in Medical AssistantHoist OperatorIndustrial OperatorSurgical Specialist

Experience & Education


Stitserdrywall - Reno, NV
Drywall finisher
Pinnacle drywall - Reno, NV
Drywall finisher


OSHA 10 Certified, Aerial lifts Certified, Personal lift operator Certified, CPR/First-aid...

Drywall Workers near Merced, CA0246FresnoModestoTurlockLos BanosMaderaAngels CampSalida

Drywall Workers around Merced, CA

Angels Camp  (1)
Fresno  (6)
Los Banos  (1)
Madera  (1)
Modesto  (3)
Salida  (1)
Turlock  (2)

Drywall Workers in California
