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Finishers in Lakeland, FL

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17 results found

Gregory Schrader Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6375996  Apr 23, 2002

Filed: Oct 4, 2000

Michael L. Suter (Spring Hill, FL)
Gregory Schrader (Lakeland, FL)
Salvador Garcia (Lakeland, FL)
Jose Flores (San Pedro Garza Garcia, MX)
09/678606 FMC Technologies, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100U.S. Classification: 426231, 99495, 99510, 426489
Method and system for processing pulp and juice in a juice finisher
The method and system of the present invention measures pulp dryness using nuclear magnetic...
That which is claimed is: 1. A method of measuring pulp dryness comprising the steps of: obtaining...

Salvador Garcia Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#6375996  Apr 23, 2002

Filed: Oct 4, 2000

Michael L. Suter (Spring Hill, FL)
Gregory Schrader (Lakeland, FL)
Salvador Garcia (Lakeland, FL)
Jose Flores (San Pedro Garza Garcia, MX)
09/678606 FMC Technologies, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100U.S. Classification: 426231, 99495, 99510, 426489
Method and system for processing pulp and juice in a juice finisher
The method and system of the present invention measures pulp dryness using nuclear magnetic...
That which is claimed is: 1. A method of measuring pulp dryness comprising the steps of: obtaining...

Gregory Olusczak Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5386765  Feb 7, 1995

Filed: Dec 18, 1992

Gregory J. Olusczak (Lakeland, FL)
Michael L. Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/993267 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100, B30B 914, B08B 302, B08B 900U.S. Classification: 99486
Automatic spray ring for use in a juice finisher
A spray ring is cycled back and forth along the longitudinal axis of a finisher to allow a high...

William Ballenger Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4995973  Feb 26, 1991

Filed: Mar 6, 1989

William Ballenger (Lakeland, FL)
Wayne Sherman (Lakeland, FL)
Michael Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/319021 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: B01D 3522U.S. Classification: 210209
Modular longitudinal spray finisher
A juice processing module is provided in a raw juice stream to aid in the separation of the juice...

Michael Suter Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4995973  Feb 26, 1991

Filed: Mar 6, 1989

William Ballenger (Lakeland, FL)
Wayne Sherman (Lakeland, FL)
Michael Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/319021 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: B01D 3522U.S. Classification: 210209
Modular longitudinal spray finisher
A juice processing module is provided in a raw juice stream to aid in the separation of the juice...

Michael Suter Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5193446  Mar 16, 1993

Filed: Feb 18, 1992

Gregory J. Olusczak (Lakeland, FL)
Michael L. Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/837223 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100, B30B 914, B08B 302, B08B 900U.S. Classification: 99486
Automatic spray ring for use in a juice finisher
The spray ring is cycled back and forth along the longitudinal axis of the finisher to allow the...

Michael Suter Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5386765  Feb 7, 1995

Filed: Dec 18, 1992

Gregory J. Olusczak (Lakeland, FL)
Michael L. Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/993267 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100, B30B 914, B08B 302, B08B 900U.S. Classification: 99486
Automatic spray ring for use in a juice finisher
A spray ring is cycled back and forth along the longitudinal axis of a finisher to allow a high...

Wayne Sherman Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4995973  Feb 26, 1991

Filed: Mar 6, 1989

William Ballenger (Lakeland, FL)
Wayne Sherman (Lakeland, FL)
Michael Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/319021 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: B01D 3522U.S. Classification: 210209
Modular longitudinal spray finisher
A juice processing module is provided in a raw juice stream to aid in the separation of the juice...

Gregory Olusczak Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing Worker

Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#5193446  Mar 16, 1993

Filed: Feb 18, 1992

Gregory J. Olusczak (Lakeland, FL)
Michael L. Suter (Lakeland, FL)
7/837223 FMC Corporation (Chicago, IL)
International Classification: A23N 100, B30B 914, B08B 302, B08B 900U.S. Classification: 99486
Automatic spray ring for use in a juice finisher
The spray ring is cycled back and forth along the longitudinal axis of the finisher to allow the...

Sheryl Phelps Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing WorkerMuralistCommercial ArtistFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalArts ProfessionalCertified Nurse AideNurseNurse Practitioner

Experience & Education

Artist, Faux Finisher and Muralist at Artistic Expressions of Central Florida llc
Professional Decorative Artist
Lakeland, Florida Area
Work history:
Artistic Expressions of Central Florida llc - Lakeland, Florida AreaArtist, Faux Finisher and Muralistsince 2000

Hector Roche Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherFurniture FinisherGrinding and Polishing WorkerTechnicianTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsFinancial Services ProfessionalFinancial Services Sales Agent

Experience & Education


Gc services
Financial services representative
Rosini furniture service
Furniture repair technician/furniture finisher

Boualy Saysy Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

PipefitterFinisherGrinding and Polishing WorkerDelivery Sales WorkerDelivererFabricatorProduction WorkerHoist OperatorIndustrial Operator

Experience & Education


Pcl construction - Tampa, FL
Vogel's bros. building co. - Lakeland, FL

Anthony Russo Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing WorkerBakerConstruction

Experience & Education

Finisher at J. L. Baker
Lakeland, Florida Area
Work history:
J. L. Baker Finisher

Camille Mcclellan Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

DesignersWardrobe SupervisorSupervisors

Experience & Education


Charity fundraiser - gaspar ballet
Costumer and wardrobe supervisor
Florida southern college
Costume designer


Period Costume Construction, Master Tutu Maker, Cutting and Draping, Decorative Finisher, Dye...

Cantave Gaston Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

Service TechnicianMaintenance and Repair WorkerFinisherPlumberPlumbing SpecialistGrinding and Polishing WorkerTechnicianConstructionTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsRiggerHigh School DiplomaDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail Salesperson

Experience & Education


Self employed
Freelance a/c technician
Advanced refrigeration - Orlando, FL
Service/construction technician


Ability to braze and insulate refrigeration systems, set, pipe, and trim refrigeration cases,...

Lawrence Adcock Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

Grinding and Polishing WorkerArmy SergeantShift SupervisorSupporting MemberShift ManagerManagersTeam Member

Experience & Education


Mcdonalds constructio
Army national guards - Arcadia, CA


basic computer skills such as Microsoft office and some knowledge of the inside components.

Edwin Gousby Lakeland, FL

Professions & Specialties

FinisherGrinding and Polishing WorkerMachine OperatorAssemblerIndustrial OperatorSupervisorBusiness AdministratorLift DriverHoist OperatorManagersHigh School DiplomaFork Lift DriverOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Publix deli warehouse
Line assembler
Maxpak, inc
Machine operator

Finishers near Lakeland, FL022446688110OrlandoTampaWinter HavenKissimmeeZephyrhillsLake WalesBartowBrandonClermontDavenport

Finishers around Lakeland, FL

Auburndale  (1)
Bartow  (3)
Brandon  (3)
Clermont  (2)
Davenport  (2)
Dover  (1)
Eagle Lake  (1)
Groveland  (1)
Kissimmee  (8)
Lake Wales  (4)
Mulberry  (1)
Orlando  (106)
Plant City  (1)
Tampa  (87)
Thonotosassa  (1)
Valrico  (1)
Winter Haven  (8)
Zephyrhills  (4)

Finishers in Florida